Some Like it Hot?

| Thu, 02/23/2012 - 05:38

It certainly looks like some Italians think "stripping" seems a good way to boost business in these times of economic hardship.

Few weeks ago we talked about the case of a Tuscan restaurateur who attracted customers ready to strip for a meal on the house, now it is the case of a hot 34-year-oldbar owner in the town of Bagnolo Mella near Milan, welcoming her clients in sexy attire to capture everyone's attention.

But while the initiative of the Tuscan restaurant was seen by most people as an innovative fun way to protest about the hardship of the new tax regime, Laura Maggi's bar could face early closings imposed by town authorities due to disorder caused by clients arriving en masse every night, including poorly parked vehicles and acts of vandalism. Maggi, whose Facebook page has 13,000 followers now and features photos of her wearing sexy lingerie behind her bar, claims she was not xpecting this sort of reaction.

Whether local authorities will close the bar or impose different opening hours remains to be seen, but surely Maggi will not easily overcome the rebellion of Bagnolo Mella's wives who started forbidding their husband to get anywhere near her bar, including the town mayor Cristina Almici.
