Text the pope

| Mon, 05/10/2010 - 04:54

The Rai Uno religious programme A Sua Immagine has launched a “text the Pope” initiative whereby Catholics can send messages of support to Pope Benedict via this number:
[0039] 335 18 63 091

The initiative is linked to a demonstration of support for the Pope which will take place in St Peter’s Square next Sunday, 16th May.

The presenter of “A Sua Immagine”, Rosario Carello, said that the service will give people who cannot be present a unique opportunity to show their support for Pope Benedict. The messages received will be collected and presented to the Pope before the end of May.

The Vatican has, in fact, been using text messages to communicate with believers for some time.
In 2003 the Holy See launched a “Thought for the Day” service via text and Pope Benedict has used cell phone technology to send messages of hope to Catholic youth.
In 2009, however, his suggestion that Catholics should refrain from sending text messages during Lent was deemed unrealistic even by some of his own closest advisers.

What text message would you like to send to the Pope?
