Tiziano Ferro investigated for possible tax evasion

| Mon, 08/17/2009 - 04:25
tiziano ferro

The world famous Italian singer Tiziano Ferro is under investigation by Italian authorities for possible tax fraud.

The Inland Revenue (Agenzia delle entrate) is investigating whether Tiziano can really be considered as non-resident in Italy, and whether his residence is actually London.

As many fan blogs of the singer report, there should be little to worry about for the singer, since he moved to London in 2006 in a genuine attempt to build an international career.

When he bought a home in London his income was already 1.7 million euros and that was before true international fame hit - so the sums under question are considerable.

The crux of the issue is whether the singer lives in London for at least 183 days a year, enough to justify being considered an resident there rather than Italian for the Italian tax authorities.

Below is a clip of one of his biggest hits - Perdono (Forgiveness):