A tough 2009 for the Italian tourism industry

| Wed, 09/02/2009 - 03:08

Less than 50% of Italians booked a holiday this summer. According to recently released data from the Italian consumer association most Italians spend their holiday time in more economical ways. Not exactly "staycations" (staying during your vacation time at home). Rather going back to more traditional holidays where you move to holiday locations where family and friends live and enjoy their hospitality. Saves on expensive holiday packages, while it still gives you a chance to relax and enjoy a break with good company.

Overall the numbers regarding tourism this year in Italy are quite disheartening for the industry. Overall turnover is estimated to have dropped by about 3.5 billion euros, at 16.5 billion of 2009 as opposed to 20 billion for 2008.

Italians, on average, spend 200 euros less per person on holidays while people using use of tourism services (from both Italians and non) was down by 7%.

The number of foreign tourists visiting Italy does not seem to have suffered great fluctuations although final figures are not in. However, the way they spent money in Italy has been much more frugal. Shopkeepers are reporting that fewer souvenirs are bought and restauranteurs that less is spent on meals.

Overall a tough year, but hopes are that 2010 will see the market picking up once more and those miniature Colosseums in Rome might yet find a buyer.
