Tourist pokes hole in Uffizi Pic

| Fri, 01/25/2008 - 09:26

A tourist accidentally poked a hole in a painting by a Baroque master in Florence's Uffizi Gallery Thursday.

The woman was caught by security cameras as she leant on the painting, La Menzogna (The Lie), by 17th-century Neapolitan great Salvator Rosa.

Upon later inspection, the work was found to have a small round hole in the lower part of it, officials said.

Police said they would probably not be looking for the woman because her act was clearly not intentional.

Rosa (1615-1673) is remembered for his wildly romantic or "sublime" landscapes, marine paintings, and battle pictures.

An accomplished poet, satirist, actor, and musician, he incurred the wrath of Baroque genius Gian Lorenzo Bernini and moved from Rome to Florence where he hosted a famous literary and artistic salon.

The free-spirited artist also backed a famous but ill-fated revolt against Spanish rule in Naples in 1647, led by a fisherman called Masaniello - still a byname for popular rebellion.

The episode was made into an opera in the 19th century.
