Tourists show lack of respect, say mayors

| Mon, 05/31/2010 - 05:06

Some of Italy’s tourists, reports La Repubblica, quoting a survey to be published in the magazine “Vie del Gusto”, show a lack of respect for their surroundings and for local people. The mayors want to introduce new bylaws to improve the behaviour of tourists.

67% of Italian mayors interviewed in the survey thought that tourists dress too scantily whilst in their cities and 53% thought they dressed unsuitably. 45% complained about tourists making noise and causing disturbances late at night or in the early hours and 32% thought that tourists consume too much alcohol. 19% of the mayors interviewed felt that tourists think they can do exactly what they like whilst away from home and 44% said that tourists show little respect for the cities in which they are staying, particularly with regard to the environment. The mayors of important tourist cities are particularly concerned about tourists who cause traffic congestion and parking problems and fail to respect the rights of pedestrians.

Only 26% of the mayors thought that tourists in their cities generally behaved well. 60% thought that their own citizens reacted well to the presence of tourists and socialised with them. 36% thought that residents in their towns were unhelpful to tourists.

43.2 million tourists entered Italy in 2009.
