Tragic Lady of the Lake

| Wed, 04/07/2010 - 03:33

A mystery that quickly became known in Italy as “il giallo del lago” [“the whodunnit of the lake”] has been solved. It began on Sunday when a passer-by spotted a woman’s body floating on Lake Como at Laglio, near the spot where George Clooney has his luxury Villa Oleandra.

The woman had had breast enhancement surgery and her nails and hair had been well cared for. Wounds on the woman’s body and a fatal cut to her throat could not disguise the fact that she had been beautiful. At first it was thought that she might have been a high-class escort.

Police quickly ruled out the possibility that the woman had been killed in Laglio and stated that the body must have been thrown into the lake – probably north of Laglio - and then swept along by Sunday’s strong winds.

Within hours, the body was identified as that of a 36-year-old Swiss woman, Beatrice Sulmoni, who had lived with her husband and son in Canton Ticino, Switzerland, near the Italian border.
Corriere della Sera reports that she was a housewife who occasionally worked as a waitress. Within hours, too, Mrs Sulmoni’s husband, Marco Siciliano, a physiotherapist, had confessed to the murder.
He is now in prison in Lugano [Switzerland]. Police say that Mrs Sulmoni was probably killed at home.
Local people in Laglio are shocked that their beautiful surroundings have formed the backdrop to such a sad event.
