Vanity Fair Declares Pope Francis Man Of The Year

words by Carol King
The Italian edition of magazine ‘Vanity Fair’ has nominated Pope Francis as its ‘Man of the Year’.
An image of the Pope appears on the front cover of the latest edition of the title above the cover line “Francesco Papa Coraggio” (Brave Pope Francis). Below it reads: “Chi di noi ha pianto per la morte di questi fratelli e sorelle?... Domandiamo al Signore la grazia di piangere sulla nostra indifferenza.” (“Who cried for the deaths of these brothers and sisters?... Let us ask the Lord for the grace to weep over our indifference.”)
The lines are a reference to the Pope’s words when he visited the island of Lampedusa off the coast of Sicily in early July. The small island is known as an arrival point for migrants and refugees who arrive by boat from North Africa in search of a new life. The Pope met islanders and migrants living in temporary accommodation on Lampedusa.
‘Vanity Fair’ explained why it chose to crown the pontiff with the coveted title: “The Pope has only been in office for little more than 100 days and he has already come top of the list of world leaders who have made history. But the revolution continues.”
The magazine interviewed various people regarding the Pope, including British pop star Sir Elton John, who called calling His Holiness “a miracle of humility in an era of vanity”.
‘Vanity Fair’ is not the only prestigious lifestyle magazine to give attention to the Pope. The latest issue of the British edition of ‘Vogue’ cited the influence of the Pope in an article titled “Has The Pope Changed The Face Of Italian Fashion?”. The article says: “His humility and sobriety have apparently wooed some of the country’s most notable designers – from Fendi to Dolce & Gabbana – away from the country's ostentatious signature fashion aesthetic.”
The piece quotes Fendi designer Silvia Venturini Fendi as saying: “Women are thinking and dressing more ethically. This pope is what we all needed.”
Topic: Vanity Fair Ethical Fashion fendi Fashion
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