Wedding photographer shot dead in accident

| Wed, 07/28/2010 - 05:49

In this photo: Altofonte (Palermo)

Wedding photographer Calogero Scimea was shot in the head as he was taking photographs of bride and groom Valentina Anitra [22] and Ignazio Licodia [25] prior to their wedding ceremony in Altofonte, near Palermo [Sicily].

He died in front of the young couple and the groom’s parents, in whose home the photo session was taking place.

Mr Scimea [45] had stepped in at the last minute as the photographer booked by the couple had been taken ill. It is understood that he asked Mr Licodia’s parents if they had any guns that the couple could pose with. Then one of the guns went off. It is not clear who was holding it at the time.

Police say that the guns were legally held but should not have been handled by someone who was not used to them. The bridegroom’s parents could now be prosecuted for negligence leading to manslaughter.

Italy Magazine understands that, by law, the guns, which were hunting rifles, should not have been loaded whilst in the house.

The wedding ceremony was immediately called off.
