What to say at the pharmacy

| Thu, 08/05/2010 - 11:13

We all enjoy the Italian sunshine but sometimes we stay out in it too long, especially if we come from countries where we don’t get much sun! Those pesky mosquitoes sometimes come around, too.

Here’s what to say at the pharmacy
We looked at some basic phrases for saying what is wrong when we studied the verb avere.

You can also say:

Mi fa male plus the part of your body which hurts , eg:

Mi fa male la gamba – My leg hurts

Here is a list of some parts of the body:

La caviglia – ankle

La gamba – leg

Il ginocchio – knee [the cc is hard, like a k sound]

Il piede - foot

La mano -. hand

Il dito – finger [plural: le dita]

L’unghia – nail [the g is hard, as in “go”]

La braccia – arm [the cc is soft, like a ch sound in English]

Il polso – wrist

La spalla – shoulder

La schiena – back [hard c, like a k sound]

Lo stomaco – stomach

La testa – head

L’occhio – eye [hard cc]

Il naso – nose

La bocca – mouth [hard cc]

L’orecchio – ear [hard cc]

To ask for a medicine for a particular ailment you can say:

Ha qualcosa contro il mal di plus body part eg:
Ha qualcosa contro il mal di testa? - Do you have something for a headache?

In summer, you may want to ask
Ha qualcosa contro la scottatura solare? – Do you have something for sunburn?

or, if you want to be prepared:
Ha una crema antisolare?
Do you have a suncream?

You may hear:
Alta protezione? - High protection factor?

An insect repellent is
Un insettifugo

So you can say:
Ha un insettifugo, per favore? – Do you have an insect repellent, please?

If you have been bitten by mosquitoes, you can say:
Ha qualcosa contro le punture di zanzare, per favore?

You may hear:
Applichi questa unguento tre volte al giorno – Apply this cream three times a day.

We all get “holiday tummy” sometimes and if you have diarrhoea, you can ask:
Ha qualcosa contro la diarrea, per favore?

Or, if you have the opposite problem:
Ha un lassativo, per favore?

You may hear:
Prenda queste compresse due volte al giorno, dopo i pasti / prima dei pasti - Take these pills twice a day after / before meals.

If you hear the word
you must take the medicine on an empty stomach .

A pharmacist may also ask you if you have any allergies :
Ha qualche allergia?

If you have an allergy to a medicine, you can say it in English as medical terms are usually similar, for example, “penicillina”.

If you have to tell the pharmacist you are pregnant , you say:

Sono incinta [The c is soft, like a ch in English.]

Other useful words are:
I cerotti – plasters

Una benda – a bandage

Pharmacists are always very helpful in Italy and they will give you good advice.