Wild goose chase in Abruzzo

| Thu, 07/15/2010 - 05:18

In this photo: Scanno, Abruzzo

A gaggle of about ten geese have almost caused a war between the neighbouring towns of Scanno and Villalago in Abruzzo.

Until recently the geese were living by the lakeside in Scanno but residents got fed up with the birds’ constant honking and especially with the droppings they were leaving everywhere.

The residents gathered the geese and took them to the lakeside at Villalago, where they are causing a similar nuisance and frightening tourists. They have also been found wandering along the Statale 479 road and it is feared that they may cause an accident.

Now Mayor Cesidio Grosso of Villalago has written to his counterpart in Scanno inviting him, none too tactfully, to come and collect “his” geese. No reply has been received so now signor Grosso is considering introducing a bylaw disowning the geese. However, some of the Villalago townsfolk think they have a better idea and it involves cookery.
