216 Number 3 (Russ)

I got married to Pamela (a Sardinian) in Gesturi last summer and we are currently studying for PhD's at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth (me in film & audience research her in Italian History). Luckily i've managed to study something Italian, and I'm looking at the comparative reception in the UK and Italy of Dario Argento's body of work.

No children yet, but it seems only a matter of time! (Odd to think we'll have tri-lingual kids - English, Italian and Sardinian!). We hope one day - when all this crazyness ends - to move to the Penninsula and work in Italy. Also saving to buy a house in Pamy's home village in Sardinia.

I've been reading the forums and (when time allows) posting sporadically for about a year or so (though when I went to Italy in the summer I forgot all my details and just re-regstered!). It's good to see so many people with so many different interests in Italy and particularly those who can understand the cultural diffrences and either appreciate or navigate them.


Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

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