How to Say

by Alesha Allen |
Here are a few words and expressions to help you out when travelling by train - in treno - in Italy. La stazione - Station Il binario - Platform L’orario -…
by Alesha Allen |
When talking about the clocks going forward and backward, we can use the expressions: -  cambiare l’ora - change the clocks -  mettere…
by Alesha Allen |
There is a general rule for plural and singular nouns in Italian: -  masculine singular nouns end in -o -  masculine plural nouns end in -i - …
by Alesha Allen |
The Italian word il biglietto has a range of meanings in English: A ticket: At the station, airport, museum, theatre etc. A note: A letter or piece of paper…
by Alesha Allen |
There are so many lovely things to eat while in Italy, you don’t want to miss a meal! The main meals in Italian are: Breakfast: La colazione Lunch: Il pranzo…
by Silvia Donati |
Here are a few useful terms for you to know when traveling by plane. Signs do include the English translation in Italian airports, so you will not have any…
by Silvia Donati |
Greetings Ciao (informal) – hello Salve – hello Buongiorno – good morning Buonasera – good evening Arrivederci – goodbye Language issues Non ho capito – I didn…
by Silvia Donati |
The autumn season – la stagione autunnale – is definitely here, with crisp days, changing colors and seasonal food products to enjoy. So let’s look at some of…
by Silvia Donati |
Even if you're just on vacation in Italy, you may need to go grocery shopping at the supermarket - andare a fare la spesa. So here's a helpful vocabulary guide…
by Silvia Donati |
We all know how important family is in Italian society. Italian families tend to maintain strong bonds over generations, spending time together and caring…