can anyone help as we are starting the

lindybob Image
02/14/2016 - 09:17

can anyone help as we are starting the process of buying a stone rustic house in Italy, although we are intending to learn italian we currently don't speak well enough,I beleive there is an Italian term for the structual renovation of a property, ie: the roof, window and door openings, lintels, and repointing, gutters etc, can anyone tell me what this is called ?



ITs wha Gaia says if you can do it with a nulla osta from the comune (called a S.C.I.A.) , if you need to make any structural intervention - or change anything, open up windows, change roofs etc then you need a building concession - a concessione edilizia  which costs more. 

Hi Lindybob,I think that you have been getting great advise from Gala and Modi, in that you are probably seeking guidance on building / planning law rather than a linguistic term.In fact “manutenzione straordinaria" is a Category recognized by Local Authorities, and once you establish that your proposed building works qualify as “manutenzione straordinaria" you can usually carry them out immediately and also pay a reduced level of IVA (VAT). The definition of  “manutenzione straordinaria" very roughly means that you renovate or update an existing building without changing its original form, volume or OUTWARD appearance.Where in Italy is the “rustico”? All the bestRonco

In reply to by Ronco

Hi Ronco, Thanks for your comments, the rustico is in Lunigiana, Tuscany. Regards Lindybob

In reply to by lindybob

Hello Lindybob,I am an architect originally from the UK, operating in north Italy for over 15 years, covering also Lunigiana.Should you require any future advice or assistance with the rustico I will be happy to help.My email is:  All the best Ronco

the bureaucratic process of structural restoration of a property you have to rely on a technician: a surveyor or a structural engineer or architect. This professional, in Italy, is the only person authorized to make the request to receive permission to restore, at the offices of the municipality. Advice to you, strongly, to find and use a technician who works in the area where you have decided to buy. In Italy, building regulations are "even"  different between the towns of the same administrative area. And, for example, a technician who works in Latium  region , in the town of Viterbo, hardly, know the rules that are used to receive a building permit, in Tuscany, the area of Livorno - which is less than 300 km from Viterbo .. Ugo , by 

Totally agree with UGO - for any restoration works on a property, you must get the proper approvals from the Comune to carry out the works, and the best [only] way to do this is by using a local professional to make the application.  Personally, I would always use a local Geometra to prepare plans and make the applications, UNLESS its a complicated design, when it may well be worth using an Architect.

Hello AlanH,Of course you are very entitled to you opinion, and there is no doubt that a Geometra can be the right way to go sometimes.However when it comes to investing in a future home, as our English speaking clients will testify, there is a great benefit to having a full bilingual architectural service. In our case, all our communications and documents are in English and when necessary both English and Italian in particular the detailed design and tender documents which enable clients to get involved in the nuts and bolts, and pennies and pound (ok ….cents and euros).We believe it is important that clients are fully involved in designing their homes, and from our experience in north Italy there are not many Geometras or even Architects who can offer the same service.We also offer an added psychological support as we understand how things work in Italy, and how non-Italians think things should work, sometimes a little extra explaining and discussion can removes an enormous amount of anxiety.Love and Peace (also to engineers), Ronco

I definitely agree with Ronco!

In Italy we have this mingling of geometra/architetti/ingegneri, since mainly we can all sign the same projects (the matter is more complex, but this is not the place to explain who can sign what).
Truth is that what and for how long we have studied is different: geometri are expert in Catasto (land register) and surveying, engineers are expert in calculating structures and architects in planning/designing. Of course we have to know a little bit of everything and some things we all know how to do (i.e. estimates, quotations) but I assure you that what you get is different according to the kind of professionals you hire.

In case of an interventions of a certain entity -i.e. the renewal of a whole building/property- best thing would be to work with all three as a team.

Peace and Love :-)

A building requiring renovation in Italy is usually in need of rebuilding may be a more accurate description. Partly renovated usually means that part of a building is habitable. Well, for all such construction ideas get some useful additional hints. Thus, all ideas will definitely help you.