Hello everyone, My family is

03/10/2016 - 18:57

Hello everyone, My family is moving to northern Tuscany this summer from the US.  Can anyone recommend an international moving company?  Thank you. 



Hi Jeannie, putting aside British humour, it is very hard to recommend international movers as it is not the same company who takes care of the whole process from start to end. They are experts in logistics and subcontract services as needed. So it is a bit of pot luck. On the other hand, you can protect yourself by following this sound advice https://www.fidi.org/moving-abroad/tips-smooth-move/how-choose-international-moving-companymy personal advice is to ask for several quotes and remember that the cheapest may not necessarily be the best.Good luck and welcome to beautiful Northern Tuscany. Good choice!

Hi Jeanie, yes sorry for the jokes when you need advice! Don't know anything about removal people, but we thought having such was essential, however we ended up not needing a removal company. Your situation is very different I guess as we were coming from the UK, but keeping a house there. Anyway I'm sure some of the logic will still apply and we found that many a treasured item would just not fit in with Italy or that it was cheaper in the long run to simply buy new items. Worth thinking about as you may find you don't have quite as much to move.

Hi Jeanie, We are currently looking at homes in Tuscany as well.  Would love to chat with you on you experience on finding a home.  We. Currently live in Wahington, DC and looking for an investment/retirement home.   Hope ped to here from you soon and best of luck on the move!!!! warmest regardsDexter & Karl 

In reply to by kjs

dexter v f?  If this is you, I am a friend of sm...Would love to know if you found a place. I am looking too!

aside from the Trump joke.......Will you need to move much over to Italy, apart from clothes etc.  Its often not worth moving furniture,as its cheaper to buy locally.  Also - as electrics in Italy are 220 volts - you'll need to buy new anyway