Home & Contents InsuranceHi All,

02/09/2017 - 07:02

Home & Contents InsuranceHi All, Can anyone give any suggestions on home and content insurance for our holiday apartment. I have tried several companies outside of Italy but wondered if any of you with a holiday home (none rental) have any contacts in Italy. Most insurances offer rental insurance but as this is a family home during the holidays the policy is not working for us.  Thanks as always :-)



Hi Ugo,  thanks for your speedy reply , apartment is down south cozenza. Ok so it will be an Italian insurance company which will make it easier for us , any suggestions who to contact  big thanks 

In reply to by MrsN

please mail to my private mail <ugo@lifeinitaly.it>  ,  here i can't post the insurance agent coordinates for privacy   

I use Groupama - I usually pay from UK by bank transfer, as I am only rarely at my Italian holiday home I think these are the details for your area;- GROUPAMA ASSICURAZIONI - SCRUTARI ASSICURAZIONI sas


Via Parisio Nicola 25 - 87100 Cosenza (CS)39.2979216.25088tel: 0984 71273fax: 0984 71273 

Hugo, I think you are confusing a 'recommendation' with an 'advert'.My response is purely a recommendation, in response to MrN's request of information from;-"....  any of you with a holiday home (none rental) have any contacts in Italy."It is a recommendation because it is based upon my experiences with getting insurance for my holiday home in Italy, and most importantly, I have no link to the company that I recommend [Groupama] other than I use their insurance.Giving what I believe to be the address of the local office is just being 'helpful'.  All MrsN would have needed to do, after I recommended Groupama, would be to 'Google' [another recommendation!] Groupama and Cosenza to get the adddress I posted.Alan

Alan , recommandation , do not is a VERY HIGHT  WRITING , with coordinates .every time I write a link to one of the pages of my site, where the only information about the laws and the Italian rules, anyone here, sings the praises of advertising, and the fact that this is prohibited fdalle rules of the comunity, yet in my pages you are not even my phone numbers or those of the Italian offices. Now I do not really understand, because this type of discrimination is intended only to me - tomorrow, for each post, I will put all the site coordinates, with clear purpose advertising - SURE TO HAVE YOUR APPROVAL AND  BY ALL .... (? ) NOTE >  https://www.italymagazine.com/community-rules-guidelines  Note 2 >  no link ? , and this , what is it ? :) tel: 0984 71273fax: 0984 71273 in real life, people looking for something, do not click on an imaginary line, but simply dials a phone number  

In reply to by Ugo

Hugo, I suggest that you use the 'REPORT POST' button on my posting, and see if the Magazine people consider it as advertisingThere is no way I condone advertising on this website, and I will continue to 'Report' posts that I consider as advertising Alan

Ugo I'm surprised you ever have a problem here pointing people to your website, I've seen it any a time, are you saying these get deleted?  I think many here know you have a business and have no problem with that because you are very up front about it and don't hide the fact. You also are very helpful in my opinion, in fact a number of people here with a  business are very helpful and impartial regardless of their business. I know Alan (also very helpful person) does not have a business or interest in promoting that particular company, it is as he said a personal recommendation for a company he has used. Sometimes a difficult concept to grasp, but I report many an advert, or spam post as I call them, but most are just joined, first post, where their only intention is to place adverts/spam. Yes you may plug your business, but I accept these in good faith in response to your help in other matters. It's a hard edge to walk for people like yourself and others here that have a business, some never even mention the fact or ever have a link to their siteswink