06/17/2009 - 16:56

I think I (who have been very disappointed in the past!) need to eat some humble pie.......... Now that the enhancements have been made, (with the honourable exception of the search facilit) the site is now workable and (for me) understandable................ Well done ......................and I am sure (being an 'ex' IT persona meself) a LOT of hard work has been undertaken in the course of the changes(enhancements !)........... Chomp chomp! S


takes a brave person....also agree that its all much easier... have been busy of late and have only been able to quickly get on and look but it has become much more manageable to see the latest bits and pieces and its also good to see a community developing...agree with the sentiments of the hard work done behind the scenes and in combination with those that have put in an effort of the posting front it really is starting to take a thanks to all posters and developers and admin... and Sprostini... for sticking with it and posting something which i can add my thanks as well to

In reply to by Annec

Yes great forum. Lot's of valuable information, I wish great success to all involved.

I agree. Finding my way around and getting used to the new format but I think it's really hitting it's stride at this stage.Well done for all the hard work.

Hello and thanks to all for your support. Sprostoni: A search box was added too - it's in the sidebar menu. You can use it and look for either content or users. Enjoy the Piazza.Valentina

grazie mille - we are still working on quite a few things and hope to improve further. thanks for the nice comments and thanks for your patience while we sorted things out.