Day Cooking School in Rome?

Sorrentina Image
10/13/2009 - 06:26

I am new to the community, but love all things Italian since getting married there.  I am going to Rome in November for a long weekendfor my 30th, and would like to do a cooking course for a day.  Can anyone reccommend a school/class that is in Rome center or easy enough to get to if out of the city centre?  I have found Convivio but only the morning is dedicated to food and the afternoon with a guided tour the local villages, for a £149 each I would like more time devoted to food.



the local villages could be well worth the trip as Arricia for example is famous for porchetta and you could get to see how it's made - just ask. Genzano has EU protection for its bread and obviously Frascati for its wine. I think a trip out and about would be very interesting

Thanks,Convivio might be the one.  Others I have found that are in Rome centre seen to be taught by english people, and I would like a bit of authenticity although I am sure the are very good,