Motorway tolls

07/06/2010 - 09:48

  Having just run the gauntlet of motorway tolls between southern Le Marche and Calais I am seeking electronic passes to get me through Italy and France (not sure if needed in Switzerland).  Assuming one wont do the job.  Also assuming Telepass for Italy only.    Is anyone aware if you can order Telepass online and what process is best for France.  This time I travelled A14/Lugano, then A4/E25/35 etc via Alsace to Calais.    Experiences appreciated.   Mjj



Calais - up to Dunkirk, - Lille into Belgium- on to Luxembourg [fill up with cheap petrol] - on past Metz - Nancy and on to Mulhouse.  All toll free, and not much difference in mileage.  All motorway/dual carriageway, apart from about 40 minutes before Mulhouse. Then on through Switzerland - get the motorway vignette from Costs about £30, but no other charges to pay in Switzerland, [inc tunnels!], until you hit the Italian autostrada.