Solar hot water

steve jackie Image
01/04/2012 - 09:58

In summer our panels produce boiling water and sometimes the pressure release valve emits boiling water.We will be going back to the UK for part of this summer. Can I just turn the water of without damaging the panels/tank or will I have to make a cover for our solar panels to stop the water boiling. Thanks in advance for any advice on this. Steve


I'd be interested in any answers to that too - don't have solar panels as yet but thinking about it.  And wondering if they could run some underfloor heating.  The sun was so hot over Christmas I'm sure we could have had central heating for (almost) free

... have a look at your solar controller... if it is just a simple DeltaT switch then you can get overheating problems and you might have to upgrade it to something a bit more dedicated. The better ones have a'holiday' setting where the pump runs heat back out through the panels at night so each day starts with a cool tank.  Balancing tank size with solar panels is obviously important. I'd happily comment if you give details.

  Thanks everyone for your replies.     Hi Sagraiasolar, Our sysyem is a Supersolar passive system with a panel mounted tank.  If the water is turned of and the tank empties will the panels themselves be damaged by overheating or is that unlikely?

ah... one of those.  I'm just aiding the removal of one because as it heats fresh water there is a build up of lime scale which has clogged it up. In some ways they are like giant solar kettles. The replacement system will have some nice new panels with a pumped circuit to a coil in the new heat bank.  I digress... so back to your tank... I don't suppose you want to get on the roof to cover it.... leaving it empty will definitely damage it because the panel itself is filled with 5 litres of antifreeze/solar fluid and this will boil almost as soon as the sun hits it. All I can think of at the moment is to fit a time-switch and solenoid valve to a hot tap for a daily timed heat dump.... 300 litres into the pool?   You can convert it to a pumped circuit + (bigger) cylinder just by removing the tank on the panel, so that might be a longer term option.

Bunterboy.... just did a reply when the forum site hung so here we go again.  The web site is a bit furbo eg...'savings of up to 80%'  er would that be 5% then?   and 'hot water 365 days a year'.... not out here, must be talking about Arabia.   This is just a slab tank in the sun so do we expect freezing and boiling problems?   What we really need is big panels - 5mq + - loading a big tank, all with good control and a pressurised circuit with antifreeze. Efficiency is not relevant because the sun is free.. all we need to know is the cost per mq. of panel... invariably some simple flat panels are best.