
Ani-Boo Image
08/23/2012 - 11:16

Buongiorno. I am new here. I am an English-born woman in her 40s with a love of my Dad's homeland in Sicily, and of Italy in general. I'm considering moving out there with my husband for a trial period to see if we would like to permanently relocate. My siblings and I have recently jointly inherited a property in my Dad's birth-village near Agrigento. I happened across this site in my search for assistance in legal matters pertaining to the inheritance. What I've found here is well-named - a Community. I look forward to exploring the site further. I just wanted to introduce myself here then hop over to the Legal section to ask the experts' advice. Ciao for now.


Hi Ani-Boo and welcome. Best wishes regarding your future plans. You are doing the right thing by taking it slowly and having a trial time. then, you will know for sure whether Italy in general and Sicily in particular could be called "home."

Hi Ani-boo. Welcome. My sister-in-law's parents come from Racamulto in Agrigento. They came to Britain in the early fifties. My brother and his wife bought a place just outside the village a few years ago. They spend many happy holidays there visiting family. I look forward to visiting myself sometime. They love it there.

Hi Ani-boo.  Welcome to the Community and I hope that you get advice on your queries in your other post.  I am sorry that I don't have any useful info on those but there are some really knowledgeable members who I am sure can help.  Like you I have been drawn back to Italy (mainland) because of my parents being Italian.  I hope that you have a successful time in Sicily when you visit.