bills, bills, bills!

04/13/2010 - 18:12

Nothing but bills coming through the letterbox down here in Sicily.  How about where you are?


Oh yes! I've just got a red bill from the comune for ICI 2008 which is for over €1000 and includes interest owed even though this is the first time they have sent the bill. surprise I now fear one arriving for 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crying

"I've just got a red bill from the comune for ICI 2008 which is for over €1000 and includes interest owed even though this is the first time they have sent the bill." My Commune never sends a bill out to me - I have to look at their website for the rate, calculate the ICI and pay it by the 'due date'  [bit of a bummer with a holiday home that isn't visited that much - off there in May to hopefully pay it]

Thanks for the help. I think I will be opening a post office account. Looks like we will be getting there tomorrow after all, the ash cloud seems to have moved away from Ireland. Michael

We pay our ICI via commercialista and started doing so in 2008 (we have a holiday let in addition to our prima casa) never having received a bill as we understood that they were not issued.  However we too received a Red Bill for outstanding ICI for 2006 and 2007.  I believe that it is our responsibility to pay ICI, as it is to make tax declaration, and bills are only issued when someone figures out that we haven't paid - this can take a while!!

Correct, to the best of my knowledge, karenr. Also, persistent non payment (apart from fines) as with non submitance of legally obliged tax returns can lead to a "possession order" being issued on one's property. Its good that you have gone to a commercialista.

Thanks guys, now I know. My procuratore paid so many bills I lost count and assumed one must have been ICI. I filled out the forms for the new tassa di rifiuti and I believe they will send me the bill for that. smiley

I think you'll find that it up to you to go to th offices to sort your ICI bill out, they are due I think in May. They never send a bill out round here.

According to the Finance Ministry website  The ICI must be paid in two installments:

  1. first, to be paid by June 16, is equal to 50% of tax due for the year and is calculated at the rate and deductions the previous year;
  2. the second installment to be paid in settlement between 1 and December 16, is determined by the application of rates and deductions deliberated for the current year, then subtracting the amount paid on account.

The website has a fair amount about ICI – [its in Italian, but my Google bar translated it for me], and although it may not help on how to pay, it could help with the calculations and the [relatively small] charges for late payment  [I paid late last year – cost me about 6 Euros extra] The website is   here

Gosh, I started something there! I don't own property so don't get an ICI bill but I sure get everything else! There's only me and Simi the dog but my gas bills are sky high.  I'm sorry for all of you with these enormous bills but I do feel less alone now!

Ciao a tutti, Can someone please tell me how I open a post office account in Italy?. I am paying my electric bill by direct debit from our bank account in Italy. I would like to change it to the post office. Too many charges at the bank. Can you pay electric & water bills by direct debit from the post office? Thank you, Michael