Ciao... I have a strong nostalgic love

YolandaB Image
05/29/2018 - 09:32

Ciao... I have a strong nostalgic love of Italy for many reasons and hope to move there before long. I was recently trying to locate the childhood home of a relative in Belgium  who grew up in Bordighera. She thinks she has found the house but the house number (75) is different from our research (47). Does anyone on here have any contacts in Bordighera who might have knowledge of the Via Romana in the "old days" and if/when the house  numbers were changed? Many thanks in advance for any help..



Hello and thanks for writing. No we were visiting for 5 days only and since my return to England I started to think about getting some information. I could try to get an email address and see if anyone replies. I just wondered if anyone on this site might live in Bordighera and know people with this kind of information. Thanks Steve..

If you ran off a historical visura of the property it would show - within reason - when and if the number had been changed.  However if it was done a long time ago, its doubtful.  The comune is your best bet.