Cooking with wood???

Kensington2 Image
08/13/2010 - 07:29

Does anyone have any ideas of companys that supply wood burning cookers  - the larger the better. It doesnt have to heat water or the house but the residual heat that would in turn heat the kitchen would be good. If you have web sites then that would be a bonus...Many Thanks 



Assuming you are in Italy, start here. For wood-burning cooking stoves, click the link on the right; Cucine a legna. Once you find something that interests you, just then type the brand name into and see what else you can find. Add the word prezzi if you are looking for prices as well as info. Most of the stove manufacturers have English sections for their websites, but not the stores. (link repeated as it is not very clear there is a link in the text, even though there is one)

We brought one of these out from the UK (practically killed us!) It's very pretty and we do cook on/in it but as a secondary stove.  It certainly chucks out a lot of heat and it's primarily there for warmth.  The fact that you can see the flames is also a plus. However if you want to do all your cooking on a woodburner, the comments above might be more appropriate

in italy are named < cucina economia>see>