
02/03/2012 - 02:08

Whilst snowed in here in Penna San Giovanni, I was looking for some bright spots in the financial world. Sadly, not a lot to see, the following article with graph is going to keep my cash funds here in Italy on the low side.S


Thank you for the link. A very interesting article, although, at this stage you do not know who is to be believed. Personally, I think that there is too much emphasis on talking about currencies, debts and market demands and very little is said about measures to estimulate the economies and create employment, which are supposed to be the real issues. We cannot expect any good news as long as the different economies are only looking at austerity measures and packages. They are just talking on the radio about creating new banks that would lend money to people as a solution to the current woes... Now, who is going to borrow money when employment is not guaranteed and businesses are closing down? It does not make any sense.

 You say who is going to borrow money when employment is not guaranteed and businesses are closing down, I totally agree, also, we are pensioners here, earning nothing (in fact in real terms losing) in terms of interest on our money. We won't SPEND too much, due to the uncertainties, so we that are ABLE to spend don't ! I don't know the answers............. S

Of course this is the Telegraphs favourite subject, but takes no account of the effect of a eurozone breakup on sterling, which would undoubtedly hit the British economy very hard.   Its not as though sterling would remain in its glass bubble untouched by other events!   

I fully agree with you, Ram. This kind of catastrophe would affect all economies, whether they are in the Eurozone or outside it. We are all interlinked. To believe that the UK economy or the pound could be reinforced is a fairytale.