Health care for non EU

08/14/2012 - 14:04

My husband and I are considering buying a property in Italy but are not EU residents. We would only be in Italy for periods of up to 3 months at any one time. I understand that we require private health insurance to cover us while we are in italy. Does anyone have any advice/information about short-term private health insurance for non EU citizens?



hello Channelislander1, Healt insurance to foreign buyers is needed ONLY if you buy as "first home " and require residence in Italy. Truely this procedure allow you of to pay lowest italian's  property and purchasing property  duties , and more lowest mortgage dutis , if you need mortgage to buy . Many italian's insurance companies have this product for sale , at my advice , the best is Alliance , you can find the insurance agent  near to you , on web whithe pages . 

In reply to by Ugo

Ugo, You are posting some good stuff lately..............I like it ! I feel that we have a knowledgeable Italian amongst our ranks (I'm sure there are others too !) It may be helpful to let people know what to look for in white pages IN ITALIAN.    ..assicurazione ?? Keep them coming !     S

Would guess from your user name you can get UK holiday insurance? If so, you can get longer term holiday insurance, if indeed you need it... You don'thave to have it as far as I'm aware... Good luck...

As Ugo has explained, you are not required to carry any private health cover (unless you take up residence in Itlay). However, it might be a good idea to have some medical insurance, because as you are non EU you (presumably) don't fall under any reciprocal health schemes, and any treatment would be charged to you. You may like to compare prices of (temporary) health cover in the EU, or specifically in Italy, from a local insurance provider, rather than feeling obliged to use an Italian insurer. I'm sure there will be some offers out there - good luck.

In reply to by Fillide

Fillide , and others it's very well to know that not ALL eu insurances are authorized to operate i Italy ,some times have problem in receive assistance from  healt company not regularly enrolled on ISVAP ( Insurance Supervision Institute ) - I advice , for foreign tranquillity of to use italin's based insurance . ISVAP > Problems with  insurances >