Hello All,I'm looking at fulfilling

Tishy12 Image
09/09/2017 - 16:06

Hello All,I'm looking at fulfilling my dream of owning a property in Italy. I have a small budget so I am being realistic. I have found a property that would suit my needs of a holiday home, which I intend to visit at least 4 times a year.  The property is is Tavenna, Molise. I am looking for contacts that live in the area or anyone that can offer me advice as it is just me on my own doing this an it is scary.Myn budget is small up to €15,000 but I'm not looking for a palace - just a habitable home that I can escape too.Thank you in advance. Tricia



It is really hard to answer the above without spoiling a beautiful dream! The simple answer is no, but many, many people ignore that answer and continue on with their dream. I could go on, but won't, but suggest you continue doing what you have started (resarch) and read lots of forums and post.

Don't forget that if your budget is only E15,000 [or did you mean E150K?] that there are costs involved in completing on the purchase;-

  • Estate Agent fees - buyer usually pays some/half of the estate agents fees
  • Notary fees
  • House purchase taxes

So make sure you find out what [approx] the costs will be before committing to the purchase. Good Luck

I can but once its gone its gone.  I wanted something that I could call my own and leave to my family.  I will carry on doing my research and hope to get some great advice and possibly new friends.Do you live out in Italy? Or own a holiday let?Tricia 

Tricia this is our 8th summer here in Italy, we rented the first year, then bought. Before buying we spent 2 years or more looking and researching the possibilities. There were many, many an obstacle we came across that almost put us off, and many more that changed our priorities throughout those years. At the end of the day the likely most important thing we found/realised is that anything we spent on a house we had to be able to afford to lose! It was 2009 or before when we started to look at houses here, we still have the details and after 2-3 years looking at houses some were still on the market. Worse still some are still on the market now! Saying that, we do know of one or two that have sold within months, but most were at much, much lower prices than that originally paid for them. At first we thought the same as you regards leaving it for the family and still did when eventually buying. But seeing others and knowing full well how long it can take to sell, the cost of keeping up the house whilst waiting to sell and the actual cost of selling it would be more of a burden to them than a gift.Sean Carlos put this link on a post just below this one the other day, if you have not looked at it I would suggest doing so. A number of other sites have similar documents on the cost of buying, Barcalys, Rightmove and many others, it’s worth looking at a few as it sometimes becomes clearer.Best of luck in whatever you end up doing.

Hi TishiMy wife has property for sale in very nice place capestrano. below is the link its been on sale for  a few years and she droped the price, perhaps you concider it and if interested you make an offer ? you then pay 15,000 euro cash and agree monthly payment for the balance (whatever the balance is agreed?) . Anyways here is the link to property. and it has a link to the location.http://www.abruzzopropertyitaly.com    search property ID  1061RegardsDerekUK   

The cheaper the property the higher the percentage of the price that you will pay in notary fees, taxes etc.   As a guide, notaries and estate agents will have a minimum - usually between 1000 and 1500 euros.  Tax - minimum you can pay is 1100 plus registration costs.   For a house of 15000,  the purchase alone will cost at least 3500.   you probbaly will find something somwhere - but the word 'habitable'  becomes all important.  Good luck. 

You probably can for that price in Molise but it might leave you desiring for more soon after. The homes for that price usually need some upgrading, renos, good appliances so that you can live comfortably and healthy. Winters are also cold and snowy on those mountain villages in Molise. You'll need a good heating system. I know for a fact that there are definitely hundreds of cheap vacant homes in the villages waited to be lived. Some of them have owners that ask for too much and therefore don't sell for a long time. Annual Property tax is very little to nothing on homes that are old and require upgrades. There are also many places at low cost in abbruzzo puglia, Calabria, just depends what kind of vibe you like. If you plan on giving it to kids or other family as an inheritance then make sure their names are also on the purchase agreement too as part ownership. Otherwise you'll have to transfer the ownership to them when the time comes for about 5K. But Sounds fun overall.