Hello everyone, just a quick question

02/03/2018 - 11:26

Hello everyone, just a quick question.  We have inherited two Italian Post Office Bonds which mature soon.  Once matured can the funds be transferred to a UK bank?  My brother is visiting Italy this summer and would be able to do this if it’s allowed.  My brother and I live in the uk and the bonds are in his name.  Many thanks.



Hi Sonia,if you need help, you can send me an email to the following address: info@gmlegalservices.co.uk and I will be happy to help you.Kind Regards,Francesca    

In reply to by GMlegalservices

Thank you Francesca, but why do I need your help?  My question is simply can funds in an Italian Post Office be transferred to a UK bank account.  The answer is either yes or no?  Thank you anyway.

Thank you Alan.  Yes it can be done via the Italian Consulate, but the form that is to be completed is all in Italian and I really don’t understand it as my Italian isn’t great.  As my brother will be going over there this summer I thought he could transfer the funds from there, with the help of an Italian relative translating of course.  Sometimes face to face is easier than trying to deal with the Italian Consulate in London!  Many thanks.

"the form that is to be completed is all in Italian and I really don’t understand it as my Italian isn’t great.​"Can you find a local Italian Teacher, [either school or '1to1'], and pay for a translation/help.