Hello,I am trying to buy a house in Sardinia ,

02/29/2024 - 14:44


I am trying to buy a house in Sardinia , the notary do not speak any english so to close on the house i am assuming i need a translator to read the deed and translate it to english, any suggestions on this process, can i have the notary email me a copy of the italian lease and i will translate it before meeting him or do i need an official translator during the closing on the house, and would be an average translator fees for the task....any help will be very much appreciated.



Even if the notary was fluent in English, you would do the act in Italian.  

You have the choice of a translator  at the notary to translate the act itself - which is the most cumbersome way of doing it.   Or you can do a Power of Attorney to someone who does understand Italian and they sign on your behalf.   Either way, if you dont know what you are signing the act of sale is null.   

You are either fluent in Italian or not.   If you are you can sign the atto in Italian, if not you cannot translate your own documents.  

A translator doesnt need to be an official translator, but the notary does need to be satisfied that they know what they are doing.    


As always - very useful information from Ugo.


When I bought my place, about 20 years ago, the Estate Agent accompanied to the Notary and translated for me.  He also helped set up Bank Account and Standing Orders for gad electric and water charges.