Hi All.We are trying to find a English

Jason.L Image
04/30/2018 - 04:25

Hi All.We are trying to find a English speaking Geometra near Ceglie Messapica Puglia to sort out planning for a pool and 20% extentsion.I have already had a price from an Itanlian only speaking Geometra but I am sure that somethimg is being lost in translation as his quote to do drawings etc is around 6800e plus tax which is about 3 times the cost of the uk.I am a builder myself and intend on doing some of the work myself while sub contacting out other bits.Can anybody please give me an idea of what I should be paying...Thanks in anticipation.Jason.



Do not assume that things cost the same as the UK nor  that you can do the work yourself, because you will need a DURC and be registered at the comune as a company assuming you are doing the work with a SCIA.  

Morning Modicasa,I'm not assuming any thing, which is why I have posted this. But 3 times the cost of the uk ????What does SCIA and DURC stand for ???Thanks for your reply.Jason.

I too don’t have a clue what they mean, but I do know I’ve come across the terms many a time! A web search DURC Italy will give you a good idea (in English). SCIA, means you need to deal with the comune for permission etc. From our limited experience (sure Modicasa in his business has masses), most things cost a lot more than the UK. One factor being the cost of dealing with the red tape, which is likely to cost minimum 3000-4000 for anything and that’s just for starters. Did you get detailed costs from the Geometra? It may well be they are including some of the standard “red tape” overheads. Welcome to Italy, but it is well worth it, especially if you try not to compare it too much with the UK! They are very different and at times it can be very frustrating, and of course no one wants to be ripped off! Once you know more of what is required here I’m sure it will not be too bad. It might also be worth finding out what you are not supposed to do and why so many Italians do exactly that!

Try googling "Geometra - Ceglie Messapica Puglia" -it throws up a list of several geometras in the area, with contact phone numbers - call and see if they speak English Good lock

In reply to by alan h

Hi Alan...Thanks for your pearls of wisdom.... have tried that already with no luck on the English bit...But thank you anyway... 

Presumably you are planning your extension with the allowance from Piano Casa - this means a SCIA (A permission from the comune which is less than a full building concession and is a supposedly streamlined version of being able to do work which would otherwise need a full building permit) or possibly a building concession. If you are in a protected zone this will also mean a nulla osta from the Beni Culturali - all of which the geometra will have to sort out, and all of which mean fees.   Add in a pool which will double up your fees and permissions, and its easy to get to a figure of 5000 plus.   Presumably your geometra is doing the progetto massimo, (the initial drawings and idea of cost) and then the progetto esecutivo (the official version) which will then be sent to the comune.   There will also be the geologist fee, and a computometrico which is usually done by a third party 'calcolista'.    The geometrawill then have to be director of works, and be rsponsible for health and safety on site etc etc etc.   The DURC is a certficiate which shows that your building company is up to date with taxes and contributions, and without that they cannot be considered for the work, and must be named on the SCIA/concessione submitted to the comune for approval.    The paperwork is lots, much more than the uk - so you just have to grit your teeth and pay up.   Obviously there will be 'professioniste' who think the foreginers are a cash cow, so its worth getting a few quotes from different geometras, but they must also list what their quote includes.  For geometras there is no scale of fees, so they will ask what they think they can get away with, but they will also have to queue for days in various offices and file multiple copies of everything, all covered in tax stamps.  

Wow thank you for that....In his costs he has included for1) Topographical surveys of the status of the places for the drafting of the project in expansion2) Compilation and presentation of "Permesso di Costruire e / o S.C.I.A." in the Municipality of Ceglie Messapica (Br) for the realization of Restoration and Conservation, Extension and Swimming Pool;3) Compilation and presentation of "Landscaping Compatibility Assessment" at the Municipality of Ceglie Messapica (Br) for the restoration and restoration, extension and pool construction.4) Practice for hydrogeological constraints (PAI, SIC, etc. present with the adoption of the general urban plan in the region of Puglia).5) Works Management;6) Safety Coordinator during the planning and in the execution phase;7) Engineer for static calculations, geologist for static calculations and final tester;8) Stacking of the entire building expanded at the Revenue Agency - Office of the Territory.9) Closing of works. Is it normal to agree a lower cost.... and would it be right to offer to pay in cash to safe on some taxes... I do appreciate your help ... Thank you Jason 

I wouldn't bother with a pool, you will only be able to use it for a short time, unless you are installing a heating system. (Of course if you are planning on letting out then a pool is essential to maximise income.)  As regards a geometra, Maureen with Elite Puglia has some good contacts. Costs are generally higher than UK, even without the special 'Inglese'prices. Good Luck with the project. Ciao Billy

HE's doing everything - so the price is relatively normal.  Pay above board and then you have comeback if something goes wrong and he will want it paying properly as its all declared works and as direction of works, and health and safety it must be declared.   He's also included the collaudo and signing off of works - so his fee will be according to the cost of the works you are doing.  

Paying 'above board' doesn't gaurantee everything is OK.

We paid our first Geometra well above board and got absolutely shafted, he was recommended by our Englsh speaking project manager, he took the money for planning permission and did not apply for any of the permissions we paid for (which in some cases were not even required), we later found out he had not even contacted the Commune and had not even visited our villa to measure it he just used existing plans that were incorrect. 

He then told us, after having completed a lot of work, that our villa was falling down and he needed to replace all 18 pillars, when we said we were getting on the next plane he said he could not allow us into our own property until he had completed the work. Due to several previous issues we knew he never told the truth so we ignored him and went over to Italy and immediately had another survey done and had a concrete test with a very reputable compay called Geotest, as the previous survey had shown everything was fine and there was no problem at all. When I questioned their claims the just said 'oh something must have been lost in translation' 

There are a lot of dishonest Geometra's around and the price they charge means nothing, our new Geometra is a fraction of the cost, speaks no English and is brilliant. He is recommended by friends, nieghbours and a neighbour who works at the Commune

Please don't rely on a high charge meaning good work and honesty, you need true recommendations and that's not easy to get as some of them weave a very tangled web and move in not so nice circles and have false reviews. It is very difficult to weed out the bad Geometras, Googling is no good nor are online reviews or recommnedations from people who have not been with them long enough to realise they are in trouble. 

It is very important to take your time to try and find a good, honest Geometra, you will reap the benefits in the long run, we lost 18 months on our pool and have spent over Euro 50,000 putting right poor work, we would have been better putting off the start of our project for 18 months. We had a legal right to make the original builders put the work right but we had local legal advice about the circles our Geometra moved in it was safer to take the hit and never let them near our property again.

Morning modicasa...Lol...I feel i'm paying his and his wifes pension payments...The work is for a 10 x 4 meter swimming pool and a standrad 5 x 5 meter extension....As yet we have no quotes for the work but I would guess that the pool would be +/- 15k and the extension is only block work renended about 10 to 12k...... Does that sound about right.....And no taxes are included in his price or out of pocket costs....so all plus tax.What do you think.!!!!!!RegardsJason. 

I don't know of an English speaking Geometra in the whle of Puglia and I have tried to find one.  There are a couple of people who provide a service of translating for you with your geometra.  I know of people who used one and it dramatically reduced drawing and red tape costs.And this included a pool project.  I can check if you are intersted in seeing if they serve the CM area as wella s Locorotondo and Ostuni.

Unfortunately there is no such thing as a 'standard' extension!  If the extension is going to be living space - then you will need all the seismic stuff that goes with that.   For your pool it depends whether you're on rock or a fairly loose substrate.   Is the pool a preformed tank liner or in cement?   I think your estimates are on hte optimistic side!.  

Morning Modicasa...The pool is in a fairly rocky substate, so yes I under stand more work with the digger, but that should also cut down on the amount ot steel needed.The extension is a very basic bedroom. building costs should be small for that. 3 walls and roof.Thank you for your comments.Jason.

SO SO glad I found this post! As I was going 'slightly' insane...Jason, you think your 7000eur is exessive? Try 40.000eur! AND no design or plans, just to submit paperworks + engineer/geologist fees.I was about to ask from this community the same question, we bought land in Bordighera, half agricultural land, but like modicasa said, extension piano casa (main house is now 30m2+ extension 25m2), small magazzino 25m2, small pool and underground garage or just a shed. Geometra fees for submitting the forms to city council and comune , total 28.000eur. Engineer fees 12000eur. For example, in description, he added 600eur for choosing cement for casale/piano casa and another 600eur for magazzino and another for pool, got me a bit suspicious..Geometra fees were 2500eur for submitting a form to Borgighera city council for casale/piano casa, another 2500 for Liguria comune, then same thing for maggazzino, everything twice.Just to mention, we are a young couple 30's, who just wanted to move to across the border from France and start farming and live a simple life, to grow our own food etc. We put all our savings into buing this farmland, agency and geometra know that. I'm a woman, interior architect and I'm trying to do all the paperworks myself to save our costs, told that I'll prepare all the drawings, 3D's of the land, elevations etc.whatever is needed, because that's what I do, I've worked as a engineer and architect in several companies. So last weeks I received this 40K quote from agency, they have been helping us with some things, therefore we trust and appreciate them a lot, which is even ahrder to understand. 40.000! for 50m2 house, 25m2 magazzino and pool. I assumed it will be something like 5000eur to get this done, especially as I need to do half of the work.I'm just very very disappointed, especially as I know real(er) prices now.Anyone has a reasonable geometra to recommend in Liguria (or Bordighera), we're willing to travel and meet him/her, just to get reasonable price not a scam.

Morning Ivika,I really feel for you.!!!!Having just returned from Italy and have had 3 more quotes, I now realize that the cost of Italian bureaucracy is going to cost me about 12k including IVA that is an honest cost and includes all costs to completion. It also includes all costs to the municipal. Be aware that the municipal costs vary considerably from region to region.Like you being in the construction business I tried to cut costs by doing as much of the preparation works myself i.e survey, plans etc. but it really didnt save much as my Geometra needed to verify all measurements and drawings himself... Which I can understand, plus he needed the drawings in his own format.The bad news is that I would now expect your cost to be somewhere along the lines of mine....I was shocked at the cost as in the uk the same sort of project would be about 2k.From what I can ascertain this situation is something relatively new in Italy, It all seemed to change about 4 yrs ago. Before it was relatively easy and a lot less costly to carry out any sort of building works.I do hope you find a honest Geometra where you are as they will need to be relatively local, as they have to manage and are totally responsible for the running of your project.... thats how the Italian system works...If I can help any further please let me know...RegardsJason.