Hi there!I've just joined this site

06/09/2014 - 12:19

Hi there!I've just joined this site to see what info I can glean about the Frosinone area. This is my third week staying at my cousins house in the area and I actually haven't seen to much in the area itself. I've been to Rome, Sperlonga, Lake Fibreno, Boville Ernica, and not a tourist attraction for anyone else, but the house my father we born in and grew up in Carnelloas well as athe city centers of Frosione, Sora, and Isola di Liri. I'm here until July. What else can I see in the ciociaria region?P.S. At the end of June I'm heading to Ponza for a few days, as that is where my mothers side of the family is from. Any tips on the island or special restaurants or unique things to see would be cherished. I've already got a list my family sent me with to visit as well :)Grazie mille!



saw that too late ....if you come again visit Fumone (my town) Alatri Ferentino and Anagni ....all full of history and often have free entertainment ...check the 'Pro Loco' on FB of each town as they ll have their summer programmes on there too