I'm Gone

06/03/2009 - 16:10

Lost the will to live on this forum.............hard work .........new posts = NINE pages to wade through!!!!! Byeee


Don't go!!!.  We love you!!!  Patience!!!  Ronald and Valentina are working on the website still.  Did you not try the New Activity link on the top menu???  regards, sempre_italia

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

It is such hard work compared to the last forum... don't think my picture has changed despite trying a couple of times, where are the Grand Tour subject headings for different places?   Where are some of the old names, julianacol for instance, since I got back from Campania I thought we would have more to chat about...     can see this will drop off my list soon.

Think I'll be following you - it's all gloss and no substance - why do we need all these graphics - most forums are about exchanging information -most of which is text) so why do we need all these bells and whistles. Chris

In reply to by jepsonclough

I'm afraid to say i agree with you. Its lost its simplicity. Navigation is the single most important element to a website. Its not good enough to say 'you'll get used to it', people will move on, particularly now  grazing has been made more difficult and restrictive. For an extreme example in simplicity take craigs list  http://london.craigslist.co.uk/  Craig Newmark the owner has stubbornly refused to update it, because it functions perfectly well for its purpose and it is I believe the 6th most visited site in the world.The home page  here has also switched its focus away from its magazine approach and current affairs, to more property centric stuff, with some very silly articles ramping the state of the housing market. Cant think why!I am sure this software platform is technically superior, that techies would salivate and probably for a smallish loyal community it will have its benefits, but in terms of intuitive use, understanding and the clarity needed to attract high volume users, less is more.   

No no patience required for you too!!!.  Stay!!!  Start a thread that we can get our teeth into!!!  regards, sempre_italia

took me a while to realise that logically i had to ignore whatever number of pages beyond 2... otherwise my life would be spent reading forum input.. much of which would be irrelevant to me...as outside areas or fields i was interested in ...to my mind until Ronald can get the filter working to do this automatically its fairly simple... i click the new posts button and pretty well much like the old forum i know when i last visited and that's the limit... all new posts have a time beside... if i want to keep track of what i did only i whizz to my activity and they are all there if there are new posts i can reply...on the old forum a computer did this for you ...if when you logged back in after a week away there would be new posts since your last visit... so lots.. after a day less... the only problem with this system is that it holds them all available ... but you know when you last visited so just go back to that point in looking...which is often only half the first page..anyway that's how i do it... not saying you should stay or leave... either of you .. just this place takes a bit more thought ... which after a while will become automatic...of course regarding new posts ...you could make the effort and read all of them ...so emptying that option of all old new posts and start afresh ...religiously reading all every day... which would then only be a page maybe.... but i prefer to miss what i have missed already... much as it happened on the old forum... if i didn't read all posts when i logged in...  

I'm afraid I have to agree re the format. I've tried to give it a go reading some of this stuff, but the format and layout is not logical or intuitive to my mind.  Noone in their right mind is going to have time or indeed inclination to read everything trying to find areas of interest.  If this was a Sunday newpaper with all the supplements I would select the bits I want, and ignore/recycle/bin the ones I'm not at all interested in. Somewhere in between there might be an interesting topic that grabs my attention by a catchy heading. BUT. There is no logical newspaper index to this site so it feels like I'm just reading random shouts whenever I log on.  It's a bit sad that it's a fait accomplis rather than trial and see what people want as their options.  Quite honestly new activity only works for those who log on regularly. FWIW what worked in the older format was the headings and sub headings that I would maybe select 2-3 areas I was interested in but if something new jumped out of a say language or culture section I might or might not read based on the heading.  Please listen to the readers and maybe consider modifying?

Reminds me of the story of the king and his new clothes.Although he is actually naked the word getting around is that only clever or smart people can see his wonderful new clothes.......When all along the really smart people actually can see the foolish king is actually naked......... Although now that the site has lost what is normally considered a proper functional organised structure,one might say it does mirror Italy and its Woes more closely, which is somewhat funny as thats exactly what many of the users have complained about in the past as being something that Italy suffers from,and could well do without......

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Whilst I have found the new system a challenge, I had only just got used to the old one being a relatively new member of the old forum before it changed, I think that the value of the forum outweighs the problems and I am going to persist hoping that things will improve as my knowledge expands. If I'm not prepared to stick wiht this the how I am going to cope with buying a a property in Italy!!!!

Have to agree with the above, have looked in and seen a piazza with no heart or soul. How sad! It used to be a little confrontation on the old forum but at least it had some spirit. This is a case for A & E.

Also agree.  The old forum had become too fiery but this is just a bit too chilly for me!  Doesn't seem to have any atmosphere or warmth and although I have been checking in, other than today I haven't felt inspired to contribute.I find the lay out uninviting and as others have already said, faced with pages of unread posts which you can't always get a feel for from the subject title I find myself giving up.I hope things get better but I fear for many the wait will be too long.Jackie  

 I have to disagree, there is a soul in the new community, groups are working, old members are coming back and posts are getting answers. There are some technical problems which will be solved in due time. Also, you need to get used to the new format, which takes some time; however, there is no need to go through nine pages to find out what is going on. The forum was great and I was an active member for quite a long time. I enjoyed it; however, there was unpleasantness, lack of respect, unnecessary bickering and harassment by a small number of people. We lost quite a few members through that. Others were scared to participate and anyone (like myself) who tried to find some common ground and bring peace became targets.Nothing stops us from having a good discussion providing we have an interesting topic and we all play by the basic rules, which means that we can have different opinions and express them, as long as we apply the basic rules of self-moderation.There are plenty of things which could be improved and if we have any ideas we can convey them to the administration.We have to think in terms of positive contribution, that is what is needed.As far as I'm concerned, "the old forum is dead, long live the new community". And I do intend to enjoy it. I wish you the same.

the old forum... and have said it before but i had been there for something like seven years or so... was at first a pleasant place and then wasn't... reasons not worth going into apart from a general synopsis of how i see it... which some might disagree with.....for new people it had a sense of excitement maybe...with lots of point scoring... and a sort of infectious desire to watch who was going to be the next victim of various gangs,... much like i suppose TV dramas which go on and on... the difference is that the forum was real people some more able than others to argue their corner or post eloquentlyfurther the old forum suffered by organised participation off the forum...sites set up so that they can discuss what to do next in private and then meet back and as a concerted effort try and destroy a forum entity... for whatever reason ..valid or not in their minds... it became a very sad place if you happened to know what was really going on...i don't blame forum admin... have always thought people with real lives might have something better to do than pursue via open forum attacks or behind the scenes planning the destruction of either the old forum as a whole or various members that were not liked....added to that are the various sud sites which used the old forum via whatever means to drag people away and build their own sites... literally using the openness of the old site to set up their own businessso i am happier here with this format... my only postings so far have been to do with animals... because i believe i cannot be ridiculed or abused via these public postings the rest i leave to replies as they are not visible to people that have not joined...however i do know that there are some that have joined solely to re direct people to other forum sites or to report back in chat rooms as to how badly everything is going here...they wish... to me this site is a welcome relief from all the aggro deserved or not ... from the point scoring.... the bit*****ing... and god knows what else the old place had become... if anything i have a desire for the forum as i once knew it...long before certain members that thought they had the right to tell everyone either how the place should be run or who should and shouldn't be there... but i think this place despite the steep learning curve of a new system has all the past benefits of a forum to do with Italy and will turn into something that we will all be happy to be members of... despite the little worms crawling around that want it to fail there its been said but that's how i feel and i for one will be trying time permitting to help this place get off its feet... apart from that it also seems to be doing a pretty good job by itself and i think veronica and ronald are working more than hard to make sure it all works...i hope people stick with it... and if they have something to suggest PM either Ronald or Veronica and add to the place..  we can make of this what we will... if something is missing start a group... in essence the world is yours here and if people are interested in communicating with you they will join and the group will or can be a mini forum of your interests.. and others that are like minded

I thought I would be able to give you at least five well deserved graphical stars Adriatica but it seems I cannot at the moment.  That was another accurate great post from you - thank you.  regards, sempre_italia

Thanks Gala as ever I agree with you, this is much more refreshing, and I am working my way around it. have already met in real life some great people through the community, who are a huge asset to the fund raising we have been doing, full of information and excellent advice and positive ideas.And as in the old forum retain the idea of support for members.A

It's said you cannot please everyone.   However Rnnald has just posted an update on changes and additions he has made.  He's listening - great!!!  regards, sempre_italia

I've just written a long response which disappeared into the ether just before I finished it. I'm unsure as to whether it still might turn up here or not. So if so apologies for duplication, and revision.It's interesting reading the responses to this. Clearly some people feel this is refreshing compared to before, but others just feel it's not easy to navigate and worse it's a bit souless and cold.  For me, it's purely a simplicy of navigation and ease of use issue which I'm fairly sure should be resolvable.  It wasn't an "I'm leaving" criticism. It was a "please listen to people with different yet simple preferred usage of forums" type of comment.  Because if the layout worked before it must surely be easy to make it an option again?If I logged on here really regularly and just wanted to keep on top of a community, this format possibly works.  However, if I want to do a combination of random log in depending upon how busy I am, combined with increased log in prior to a visit to italy. I'll want to easily go to a specific location or ici or enel topics. This isn't now clear from this layout. For someone new I think it's really difficult to see what's going on and it may seem more like an exclusive club?  But if we could have the option to just change it from chronological to topic/theme I would be happier.  Those above who seem to like this format have that choice as well.  Seriously, think about it if seeing this page as a newby?Most importantly,  I really  really dislike the fact that the subject may give you no inidicatilon of what the content is in the current view. I'd no idea what my subject would be and now edit this to say it's the first five words of this reply.  What does that tell anyone looking at topics?  This is the key problem I have.is feedback not just unnecessary criticism so if you are listening and wanting us to be part of this, is this something you could consider.  Adriatica, I'm certainly not longing for the forum of yore, but instead I'm talking about the layout options that we could have.  I fear this format may become far more like an exclusive group than the other did if it's just in current format.  That's my view.  We'll tsee what happens. If it's all a continual defensive ;just bear with it (or leave?)' ather that a 'we'ree listening and we'll see what we can do' I'll spend more time.  Otherwise I'll be disappointed that I've wasted ten mnutes of my life taking the time to write this. Thanks for listening. C

my emails do that...write long ones.. as you can imagine... full of dots... click send and a screen comes back and tells me that something timed out... its the bloody mobile Internet thing... temporary i hope... well i know...Ronald has just posted an up date ... and rather than switch screens will make you look for yourself... but hes added more buttons and given a progress report and i think basically hes going a long way to getting most of your request fulfilled...ie a today's post button.. post read button and planning to get topics a bit more ordered..there are also buttons at the bottom of the screen to allow you to click on subjects or allow you to post within them...much if not all you say i agree with... however the flexibility of this system and the amount of interest in the forum has i guess added to the confusion so that we have been posting in wrong places under wrong subjects... and it all does look a bit messy...  we have all to learn ... and the initial mess is gradually either being sorted or getting sorted by the admin...i am almost beginning to like it...almost... give me another couple of months and i might have an unequivocal like it.. Ronald ... not a dig... i know everything is being worked on.. just i take a long time to familiarise myself with thingsthere is the link below to Ronalds latest work on trying to get there...http://www.italymag.co.uk/community/post/navigation-and-adding-content

In reply to by adriatica

Thanks adriatica. But again, I'd like to know that I was writing under a specific topic. I'm fairly sure this must be here but in the format and view I have it's not possible to see it . Okay, enough for one night as I need info on ENEL and may have to google it elsewhere now :-{

It took me a good while to find my way around the old forum, not because I'm a particular technophobe, but because (and I know I'm not the only one) I'm still on an excruciatingly slow connection.  There is no sign when Telecom Italia is going to change this for us, they've already changed half the commune, so don't seem to feel the need to do the rest of us.  So not only don't I have the time to navigate my way around to find out how all these new fangled gismos work, every minute also costs me money.As others have said, this was for me mainly about exchanging ideas, information etc.  I tended to reply to things I felt I had something to say about and asked questions I didn't know the answer to.  Now I think I'll just do it the old fashioned way and ask the neighbours.  Much more civilised anyway.

HI everyoneThe main problem as I see it is that many users are used to forums, like forums and want forums. Forums are not good at forming real communities but are good for users who want to get information "Where can I get a UK passport in Italy?" However the community has been switched over to something called 'groups'. Groups are different by nature and are excellent for forming real communities. They allow users with a similar interest to come together and form groups. ANYONE can usually apply start up a group - on most sites this is given so long as the group isn't occult, pornographic etc and fits within the general theme of the site. If there is interest then the group flourishes - if not then it will wither and die. Inside a group is where the discussion, sharing ideas, photos, tips, personal information etc takes place. Typical reasons for forming a group might be location (see the Le Marche Chapter House for an example of a group that works well), hobbies, culture etc. Groups can be public or private. I would imagine that this site would only want public groups (unless you have special groups who need to hide their discussions - e.g. ItalyMag finance group??) For public groups on this site I would expect all posts to be public and non-group members to be able to read comments. This allows all users to see what interesting discussions are taking place in groups and make a decision on whether they want to join the group and start contributing to discussions. I would also expect most groups to allow automatic membership (unless you want to moderate every request to join a group!) The main piazza is not really where discussion should take place - it should simply be the home page where latest posts from across the groups appear - for anyone who wants to keep track on what's going on and might see something of interest. Now here is the good bit - you should also have forums! For those who want forums then give them forums. It works - these groups are built in a community platform called Drupal and the drupal community has both forums and groups - forums are great for all those "I need to get an Italian passport and don't know how to get one - can anyone help" type posts or "It's really hot in Italy at the moment isn't it!". Groups are great for ...well forming groups like the Le Marche Group, the Tuscany Group, Animal Lovers group etc...and hopefully inside these groups a real community forms - especially if the group is owned by the members and run by the members. If the people want forums then give them forums as well as groups. If you don't believe it works then here are Drupal Forums and here are Drupal Groups. Kevan    

HiI think I might have been a bit harsh there - it's just a bit depressing to hear everyone moaning - Ronald and other admin are trying really hard to get this working but I think if people want forums then give them forums. I've got both forums and groups on the sites I run  - mainly because there would be a huge fuss if I took away the forums. The forums are great for those who come to the site and want a bit of help, advice or support. The groups are where the real communities flourish.I think there is a place for both and I think you can get both up and running well on this site if you want to.If Ronald and the team do want to stick with groupsonly  then really it's up to the community to get this working - if you want your old forum about Getting Married in Italy or Building/Rennovation or Italian Politics then start a group about that topic and see if it is popular...Kevan  

I'm still a little confused and it looks as if your'e the man to explain this to me.  Okay I have a public group, Vita Urbana.  I have members and  I only want members to post.  That is possible isn't it???

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Yep - you're right. But all posts and comments should automatically be public. Only members can post or comment. To join your group I just click join and I'm a member - that's what you need if you really want your groups on ItalyMag to work - I fear that it's going to die quiet soon if you don't get this sorted. 

Sorry maybe it needs a little more explaining..You have anonymous users and registered users on ItalyMags.  Registered users are those that signed up for a username and password. You need to improve this and make it automatic - users simply check their email and click link.Both anonymous and registered users should be able to read all posts and all comments.To join a group you should need to be a registered user.To join a group you should simply click join and you are in (unless there is a good reason to turn on moderated membership).The group moderator can kick you out if you misbehave.It should be really easy to start up a group - but you need to give a reson for the group and support from admin about how to get your comunity up and running.Hope this helpsKevan 

In reply to by Kevan Cummins

I disagree actually Kevin.  What happened in my opening welcome post was that non members posted,  which defeats surely the purpose of having members.  regards, sempre_italia

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I disagree actually Kevin.  What happened in my opening welcome post was that non members posted,  which defeats surely the purpose of having members.  regards, sempre_italiaThere is something wrong with the group settings - there are lots of options in Drupal Groups and it's a bit of a nightmare for a website admin to set it up. Also the groups are very powerful when you give a group to a new group manager then you need to make sure that group is set up the way they want it to work.

 "So not only don't I have the time to navigate my way around to find out how all these new fangled gismos work, every minute also costs me money."I recommend getting Telecom Italia flat rate dial up- paying by the minute isn't a good value.   

Always read your posts,i think i said it before  slightly dark in content but well worth the read.So forgive me for taking issue  with you, but why are you of all people dragging up old woes? move on, thats what this site is all about,. So i wont bother in countering parts of your statement by saying they  are very inaccurate, because i want to move on.And maybe you could respond as to why if indeed other forums were to use this site to get new members that would be in your mind wrong?Surely the old IM has gone and left a gap for old users and new users of here to cater for them...nobody has to eat pasta seven days a wekk

"I'm still a little confused and it looks as if your'e the man to explain this to me.  Okay I have a public group, Vita Urbana.  I have members and  I only want members to post.  That is possible isn't it???" QUOTE FROM SEMPRE ITALIAHi Sempre Italia I just visitied your group and thought it might help explain if I gave feedback about your group. If I log out and visit your group as an anonymous user then I see just your welcome message and that there are 9 comments. But I can't read the comments. I can't really make a decision on whether or not to join your group just by reading the welcome message alone. I register on ItalyMag and visit your group. I can only see a welcom message but I can read the 9 comments - looks interesting but nobody has posted anything in your group that I can see. I can't really make a decision on whether to join your group. However, your group could be really lively with lots of postings and lots of discussion. But if everyone chooses to not make posts public then I can't see what's going on in the group which is a real shame if it is in fact full of great discussion. In fact I did want to join your group but couldn't see the 'join group' button - must be somewhere but I gave up looking after 20 seconds and moved on.... I will return in a moment and try again because I do want to join your group. I hope it's not like the other groups I joined where I had to wait until the group admin approved my request ... better if the setting is automatic membership...see you in the group is you will have me as a member... Kevan 

Thank you Kevin.  You have to have your membership approved by Yours Truly.  I do not want outsiders to post hence I haven't posted  since my initial welcome post.  The group doesn't have to be big to function well.  regards,  sempre_italia

 If I understand Kevin, the problem isn't not being able to post, but to even read content, and know whether they would be interested in asking to join."If I log out and visit your group as an anonymous user then I see just your welcome message and that there are 9 comments. But I can't read the comments. I can't really make a decision on whether or not to join your group just by reading the welcome message alone."    

I'm a distant observer on all this now, but, Just out of interest how much consultation did Poundbury and Ronald (or are they one and the same now?) give the 7000 members of the old forum before this ......errr ...... group thingy materialised?Surely  Ronald  previously so often the voice of democracy and reason didnt just pull the plug...?  

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

My question was not how long Poundbury and Ronald had been considering it, but, how much consultation there was  with the existing 7000 members. Very different. Was, amused by Adriaticas post that celebrated the demise of the big old bad forum, do you really think this new incarnation will be immune to acrimony and handbagging? A different software format is not going to change human nature.I suspect the changes are part of a wider commercial agenda, after all, lets be honest, this site is not a magazine, its now a property portal, the revenues for both this  and the monthly magazine revolve completely around property, articles, adverts and associated services, hence all the endless positive real estate spin. Setting up the forum in this way,  will also lend itself to subscriptions down the line too once the membership builds . It seems to me a very good opportunity for other orthodox forums to flourish while this one stays in group hug mode.........Did they archive the old one? I dont like to think of Angies " Best toilets of the Marche" thread being lost to future generationsNot for me, but I respect enterprise,  good luck with it anyway!!  

 Very interesting and informative posts, Kevan. I am sure that they will help the Administration to implement certain changes which will be useful to all. I do think that Groups are going to be more important than before. Some of the new ones are working very well, some will need more TLC. I encourage everyone to join groups according to your personal preferences and interests. And I do believe that they should be open.Kevan, I am giving you 5 stars for your input.My other five stars go to Adriatica for his post on the old forum.Caralina, I am sure that the Administration will look into the problems you state. It does take some time to get used to this format. I believe I am starting to understand it.....

I am being very thick - and finding many of the relevant posts so technical that although I read nothing goes in!With groups - am I now right in thinking that when I log on and see those first 16 or so pages I am not seeing all the posts?  I use this in the same way as the old forum.  I look at all the new posts and judge whether they interest me or not.  Am I missing out?I don't know what groups I am interested in specifically.  I enjoy reading all posts, specifically those by very knowledgeable members.  They can fire my interest in a subject or I can have useful information for someone about something we have achieved/investigated - probably long forgotten in my mind until I read something about it.  I do not want to have to join and go into every group to see this - I know I won't bother.   Just because I don't live in Tuscany doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading about it when I have the time, although probably would not contribute enough to justify joining a specific group.

But.... but - just a minute!Quote by Gala: "I encourage everyone to join groups according to your personal preferences and interests. And I do believe that they should be open."I agree, it's nice to have all these groups (I think - though I'm stil not convinced with the format) - but doesn't the system available tend to defeat the object? If I understand it correctly (and I'm not at all sure that I do), then anyone can open a 'group' in which I have a great deal of interest and by doing so, they get me all fired up to join. So far great!The owner however decides to make it a 'Request only' membership so they 'vet' you and decide whether they want you in 'their club' or not... so if you are, for whatever reason, refused membership to the group then that's it. The door to a group discussing something you are either passionate or knowledgeable about has been firmly closed in your face!Sorry - but IMHO such a system seems self defeating if you want members to contribute openly and freely in discussions!

 No, it's up to the group-starter if the group is  open to all members or not, just like on the old board (remember the Rat and Carrot?):Membership requests: * Open - membership requests are accepted immediately. Moderated - membership requests must be approved. Invite only - membership must be created by an administrator. Closed - membership is exclusively managed by an administrator. Other than sempre_italia, most seem to have elected open membership. "With groups - am I now right in thinking that when I log on and see those first 16 or so pages I am not seeing all the posts?"The posts in an open group also appear here in the piazza, so you needn't join a group to see them.  The group is just a convenient spot where they are all located together, like a sub-forum on the old board. In fact,  the group a post is from is printed above the post title in the piazza.      

I explained myself poorly - sorry.   When I said Group Owner I meant the person who started the thread and who had the power to decide 'who could post' there... as per your explanation Bill.The Setting Up A Group Guidelines explain it more clearly though:Quote:  3.Choose who can join the group - Open: anyone can join. Moderated: anyone can apply and you get to approve them or not. Invite only: they must be explicitly invited by someone already in the group. Closed: only you can choose who is part of the group and only you can invite them.  

 Yep, that's why my post above includes the options available to the Group creater:"No, it's up to the group-starter if the group is  open to all members or not, just like on the old board (remember the Rat and Carrot?): Membership requests: * Open - membership requests are accepted immediately. Moderated - membership requests must be approved. Invite only - membership must be created by an administrator. Closed - membership is exclusively managed by an administrator." 

Quite a few things are discussed here - I will try to explain how we envision the setup here to be used.There are three dimensions to the communityTopics - this divides discussions according to subject. It is the closest you get to the old forums. There are 7-8 large themes with sub-topics and we have designed the topic page to offer a "forum-style" view of topics. You can use the various links to post into a specific topic and others can comment on posts, etc.Location - this divides topics according to location - and is a big improvement to the previous forums. One of the challenges of the previous forums was to deal with information that was both topic relevant (e.g. property) but also location-specific (e.g. property in sicily). I Now it is possible to look for property related discussions in Umbria or Food related subjects in Sicily (but even drill down to a specific town). Next week we will have a Location page that resembles the topic page that will hopefully go some way towards making it easier to realise that this functionality is here. Combining Locations with Topics makes a Grand Tour section (ala old forums) redundant. It is enough to visit a place page (e.g. Umbria) and then filter according to a topic.Groups - Groups offer two functionalities - firstly to enable members to discuss topics and or locations that are perhaps not quite covered by the "official" lists above, but, more importantly enable members to aggregate around a subject and hence connect better because their interests are made obvious through membership  (e.g. Le Marche people, Northen Tuscany people, Gardening people, etc, etc).As a means to give the group owner more control they can choose which members to accept and how to moderate entry in the group. Obviously open groups have more chances to grow. But it may even make sense for someone to have a closed group of just 4-5 members that perhaps want to explore a specific issue with more flexibility than mails or anything like that. Finally a group posting may be also tagged as public which open it up to discussion from anyone in the community. Again this is a personal choice. These three "dimensions" allow people to explore topics and locations and combinations of these with more flexibility. Now, there is a question of easy of use and tools to make using the community better. We are working on the various issues and something like "mark all as read", the text-editor, etc have all been focused towards making using the website easier. We are not however looking to re-create the forums (i.e. replicate all functionality) we believe leaving things simpler may be easier.Finally, I realise that for whoever was very used to the forum format a lot has changed. The piazza is a different place and it needs getting used to. We hope that through explaining and adjusting we will make the transition easier. 

Don't like or use the word "lavatory" Angie Girl.  "Toilet" to me is far more acceptable.  And in Italy - "toilette"!!!  regards, sempre_italia

It's simply too much effort to simply stop by for 5 minutes every day (as I used to previously) and catch up/comment on something.  This is simply tiresome.  I never look backwards in IT-world, I love progress.  This isn't progress.

Is back, and it does seem to be getting a bit easier and life does seem to be returning...   we are all obviously old dogs refusing to learn new tricks....