Insuring italian reg car to take the UK

Anonymous (not verified)
07/31/2009 - 06:16

I'm about to buy a second hand car here in Sicily which I'm driving to the UK in September where I'll be staying for about 10 months (probably then driving back to Italy).I was thinking of getting UK insurance but some initial google research seems to suggest that insuring foreign (even EU) registered cars in UK is impossible. Can anyone confirm this?Alternatively would my best bet be to insure the car here in Italy as from what I understand the 'Carta verde' provides full coverage anywhere in Europe. Would I be ok with this for several months in England?Many thanks for any replies



You cannot insure a Foreign registered car in the UK; end of. So you can insure your Italian registered car for use in the EU, but check with your Insurance company if your the equivalent of Fully Comp. as this only normally applies for upto 90 days. Your car will however be insured '3rd Party'  which is the EU requirement.

Try italsure They might be able to help, I have just insured my car for less than a quarter of the cost they charge here in Italy.

i only drive italian and insure them here, automatically you will receive the green card valid for expatriation which you should sign but i can't remember how long it is valid outside italy but your local insurer would be able to tell you.