Unusual tree

11/20/2011 - 17:48

When walking in the woods in the mountains this weekend we saw a tree I have never seen before. It has leaves like a birch and hadfruit growing in clusters. The fruit were apple green (about the size of small plums), smelt like apples and had a texture like an apple. Anyone got any ideas what it was?



No, it's not a walnut. I know those and the fruit are ripe and have mostly fallen here. Not crab apples as they don't grow in clusters like grapes. These grew just like very large grapes. Most odd.

Try looking at Malus sikkimensis - I found various snaps of this (on google) which seem promising, but haven't looked further to see if maturation time, leaves, etc. are correct. I tend to go along with Gala that if it smells like an apple it probably bears a close relationship to an apple!

Alright clever clogs - perhaps it aint a Wampee - perhaps it's a grape tree.   wink How the Hell d'ya upload photo's here?

indecisionYou have (in the blue corner) advocates of malus sikkinensis (which at least has the potential to smell like an apple) or in the red corner, the acknowledgley unlikely wampee. I know (from previous forum experience) that Penny is a nicely 'serious' person, and I'm sure she is more than willing to hike up into her mountain and take a reaaly high res snap of the fruit upon which she has stumbled. Seriously - we need a pic! I was thining of suggesting underripe arbutos unedo - or (do not slap me down here) the possibility that the fuit belonged to a neighbouring tree and was hanging about looking as if it 'belonged'! 

OK - not sure if we're getting closer or further away to be honest. The fruit grows just like a wampee but they were not translucent and were a bright apple green colour. The wampee fruit looked like some kind of gooseberry. The birch-like leaves might be a red-herring as the tree was mingled with lots of others. The tree is a hour's drive away but next time I am over that way I wll definitely take a photo if it's still in fruit! Driving me mad :-)