Anne Harrison
Articles by Anne Harrison
Dante began The Divine Comedy in 1308, while exiled from his beloved Florence. The pain of this banishment surfaces in his writing: You shall leave ev…
On the banks of the Arno, close to the Ponte Vecchio, stands a small and often missed museum. Hidden from the crowds milling outside the nearby Uffizi…
By the time we left the hotel, it was already late afternoon, and our plane left at dawn. The buildings shimmered with a golden glow particular to Ita…
The wind swept over the square outside the Upper Basilica, filling the sky with grey clouds. St Francis sat astride his horse with bowed head. This st…
The morning mists still swirled over the lagoon as the ferry approached Venice. At first all we could see were wooden channel markers (bricole) as the…
In the middle of the Tiber lies the picturesque Isola Tiberina. The island embraces two millennia of Roman history, for it has been important to Rome…
Well, my window / looked out on the Square where Ogni Santi / meets San Trovaso / things have ends and beginnings [ Ezra Pound Cantos]When Ezra Pound…