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Thu, 05/14/2015 - 19:14

Hi, such a lot of replies. I'm not sure whether the Abruzzo region has been mentioned. For nearly 8 years I have been living most of my time in a small medieval village near Sulmona, in Abruzzo. Well, what a find!
Coming from New Zealand, and not having been to Italy before, I bought my house within a week of arriving and have never regretted it. Abruzzo is an amazing and an undiscovered part of Italy. Very ancient villages, friendly locals and reasonably priced houses. Sometimes in life you just have to go and do it. That's if it feels right and depending on what you are yearning for in life....everyone is so different.
I rent my house some parts of the year if you want to check out our region.
I have a blog on my ramblings, living in NZ and Italy here: www.artfibredesignz.blogspot.com
All the best for your journey.