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To what organisation in Italy do I report a incompetent geometra who managed to lose me the sale of my house in Italy?

Sat, 04/26/2014 - 03:55

Comments posted

Wed, 04/30/2014 - 06:06

Hello Kasper,Thanks for responding! It's a bit of a long story as it always is with Italian deals. The long & short of it is. I & my brothers inherited this town house from my aunt as she had no children. My brothers passed power of attorney to me as I live in England. Firstly, it took over a year for this young geometra, who didn't seem to know how to do an international affair, to get the procuras & all the rest. After a few months, a local couple wanted to buy the house. I and they went back and forth for some months before we agreed on the price of 85,000 euros. By the way, I'm fluent in Italian. So the geometra whose office is actually in the town was finding it difficult to get them to agree to a time when we could meet to sign the contract. I said to her, please get them to sign a proposito and put a small deposit so that we could then find a mutual convenient time. She disagreed and said it would only make the process longer. She then turns around and tells me after a year, that she had done the planimetria wrong! So she was going to get that sorted. I made arrangements to go to Italy and clear belongings from the house. At which point, she said they were now undecided and wanted to have their own geometra! I had everything in place to get the planimetria done and all the other documents I needed to sell were already in place. Her unwillingness to get them to do a proposito definitely scuppered the deal. If they had signed that, we would have worked out whatever else needed doing and the sale would be done by now. Now these people have decided to offer me 70,000 which I am not prepared to take. Can you give me any advice? I have a new experienced geometro now. Many thanks,