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Sun, 05/25/2014 - 05:08

Hi Chris, a very annoying situation indeed but after 18 years in italy, not one that surprises me. We live full time in Umbria and initially our gas contract was with Liquigas (very expensive). With annual bills of around 5,800 € we decided to change contractors when there was competition available. Heating our 400sq mtr home in the winter months was expensive and we could have used 2,200 € worth of gas in 6 weeks had we not been using a log fire as well. With a new contractor and a newer combi boiler we are now spending about 4,000€ a year on gas. With our local contractor, I am now paying around 1€ a ltr whereas with Liquigas I had been paying around 1.25€ a ltr.  Bottom line is that I would advise caution before getting legal folks involved as we have experienced legal action over a dispute, we won the case and were awarded costs (11,000€), that was in January 2011 and now we are still trying to recover our costs !!!! Not too helpful I am afraid but food for thought.