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Fri, 02/06/2015 - 11:16

Hi KathrynNicola's email is nicolamasini13@gmail.com. His mobile is 00 39 348 606 3444.Francesca is fdesantis@notariato.it. Her office number is 00 39 0583 418308 It might be they're not able to do anything themselves, as you suggest, but they're good people and I'm sure they'd have excellent recommendations. Buona fortuna!Lawrence

Thu, 02/05/2015 - 11:32

I don't have my file at hand but will do so a little later so will send you details.Lawrence

Thu, 02/05/2015 - 11:07

It might be a little far but we used a very good Geometra (actually an architect but he worked very well for us) just outside Lucca, Nicola Masini. I can give you his details if you think it's not too far. We used two notaios. Our first was in Borgo a Mozzano (and I can't remember his name but can look it up) then Francesca De Santis in Lucca. Both very good, thorough and reliable. The first didn't speak English but Francesca did.