amendola's activity

Questions Asked

Hi inherited a share of my Fathers home last year and have agreed to sign that share over to my Step Mum for an agreed sum.

Wed, 09/02/2015 - 13:25

Comments posted

Sat, 09/05/2015 - 04:41

Hi Thank you so much for that reassurance.Again thank you all for your help :) Tony 

Fri, 09/04/2015 - 13:03

To be honest I only asked about the value because i was concerned about tax implications.For example if i agree on accepting 20,000 euros but  the estate is actually worth 2 million i would be liable for a big chunk of tax from what i can see although i have no way to find out what its worth.As far as i can see there was very little money and property other than the house which my step mum said was worth about 140-160,000 euros... so agreed on 20,000 euros so long as all fees and taxes and hassle was hers. Obviously i could hold out for the 35,000 euros, wait until she sells or pops her clogs and then have to find a way to sell my share of an Italian property when i dont speak italian and do not have funds for lawyers and also have a voice disability so cannot speak on a phone ... lol What i have decided to do is include the sums my step mum has stated to me in the our agreement statement ie nil money, nil assets and 140,000 as the property value. I have also included tin that statement that she has agreed to pay all taxes in relation to the inheritence and also sale/transfer. Just dont want to end up in an italian prison for tax avoidance !Really appreciate the help and I am now in contact with the Notary so hope to get this all sorted soon.

Thu, 09/03/2015 - 12:39

Hi Modicasa,Thank you for your replyMy Father and Stepmother were married and then bought the property in Pogerola, which is a two bed semi detached newer build with a terrace overlooking the sea,  just above Amalfi and I was told by my Step Mum that the property was in joint names, 50% belonging to my Father and 50% by her.As I do not speak Italian I have had to take her word for everything and I certainly do not have the money to pay a lawyer. To begin with i said i was not interested in the Inheritence but she told me this meant that a share would go to my Dads family and there is a great deal of hostility between my Step mum and them, so finally i agreed to accept the inheritence subject to her paying any tax owed and also all legal fees,  costs etc. I also said that any paperwork to be dealth with would have to be done over here as i am not able to travel abroad.She agreed to this and I said i was happy to accept a reduced sum of 20,000 euros as long as i do not have any fees, taxes to pay and that she covers all of these.I asked her for the value of the estate and she said that the value of the property was about 150,000 euros, then half of that is 75,000 so my share would be around 36,000 before selling fees etc. I certaily did not want the hassle of owning a property in Italy so this seemed to be the best way forward for all involved. I did ask her for the value of any other items ie bank accounts etc but she never replied to that and so i accepted it was just the property. To be honest i cannot stand arguing over money and just wanted this to be settled as easily as possible.I agreed to accept my quota, signed the forms and also had to do a tax form for her to pay the tax on my behalf. ...... Now she is asking for a procura ... although i have since found out what she is really asking for is a witnessed statement out lining the agreement we have made that states i am willling to sell her my share of the property for the agreed value. I have now contacted a Notary Public and am waiting for their response.Obviously I have had to take her world for the property values as i havent a clue what houses are worth in Italy.My Step mum has since paid me 1500 Euros but would now like to pay the remaining 18500 and transfer the ownership into her name.  Would be interested in whether you think this is the way to go forward as she has already been tricked out of £1500 by a "friend" there who said he knew what to do, and then sent me some paperwork to sign which was clearly made up on a typewriter and not in any way official. Kind regards Tony    

Wed, 09/02/2015 - 14:49

Dear Ugo, Thank you so much for your help.With thanks and kind regards Tony smiley