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Thu, 10/29/2015 - 05:17

Hello. I live in another region of Italy so cannot advise you on courses. As the better-half of an organic-oil producer, I would urge you to pay someone to prune your trees in the beginning as they've been neglected for so long, despite your obvious enthusiasm and willingness to take on the task. Pruning olive trees depends on several variables, especially the location of your trees (sea level, in the hills, exposed area, etc.). It's easy to make mistakes and mistakes can affect the yield or even damage the tree. Have a look at local groves and ask around. That said, don't be surprised if some stick to one way of pruning and others don't. I still remember when my late father-in-law, his brother and another male relative spent a whole Christmas Day afternoon discussing the best way of pruning, each swearing his way was best, of course. The debate heated up as the wine flowed. Best wishes for your move to Puglia.