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Questions Asked

Ciao, I have trawled the web for evidence of expat communities in Perugia [the city] without success.

Wed, 06/29/2016 - 11:33

Ciao, I have spent three months in Italy trialling the lifestyle and am ready to buy. Can anyone tell me the going rate for an english speaking Italian acvvocato to look after my interests at each stage of the process.

Wed, 06/29/2016 - 11:10

Hi, I am a retired Australian citizen living on my own, planning to move to Italy for family reasons.

Fri, 01/15/2016 - 18:27

Comments posted

Thu, 06/30/2016 - 05:52

Thanks Modicasa. In all my purchases and as a vendor in Australia I used a lawyer. I didn't have the problem with language I have here and Australian real estate matters have simpler processes. David Hampshire Buying a home in Italy, and others advise using a lawyer. In my circumstances I think it is prudent. One of the properties I am interested in does have  complications, so a lawyer's advice on the legalities is critical. But the moment I believe a lawyer is cheating me he's terminated.

Thu, 06/30/2016 - 05:44

Yes, there are a few books on buying:David Hampshire Buying a home in Italy, Survival Books. My copy from Amazon turned out to be a 2008 edition and of course so much has changed then. But the principles are laid outI also bought Gordon Neale, Buying a House in Italy, Vacation Work Pub. but it was also published in 2008 I found limited information but here are some prices I did dig up [this is from information I sent my son]:

  1. Lawyer fees for real estate matters can be €200 an hour []
  2. A minimum of €2,800 [];
  3. A 2010 investor article quoted €150-200 per hour for lawyers in real estate matters []
Wed, 06/29/2016 - 17:28

Well, in Australia I certainly engaged a lawyer to help draw up a contract when I sold each of my places over the years and one certainly for the last purchase I made in Australia. Thanks for your response, stevegwmonkseaton. Yes €1800 is within the ballpark the lawyer I've engaged in Italy gave me at €120 an hour, and roughly what I expected. But, I've been told that is very high. It's the ballpark it would be in if we were looking at Australian dollars back home ie $AUD1500-2000. And my lawyer speaks pretty good English so he can also translate for me at meetings and looking at documents [but don't expect never to have to make sure they understand what you mean!]. My Italian isn't good enough.... Yet! Thanks again, James

Wed, 06/29/2016 - 11:13

That should be avvocato! an indication of flat rate fees would help as well. Thanks... James

Sat, 01/23/2016 - 23:40

Thank you, Lewis for your encouragement. Amazon has the Hampshire Book and I have bought it together with Gordon Neale's "Buying a House in Italy". That should do it. There's a fair bit on the web as well. Thanks. I have the help of my son's partner in Italy as well. Cheers, James