Papamoxie's activity

Questions Asked

I can only assume that all members are 'Rocket Scientists' and will I ever understand the workings of this Community Collective?I am typing here but I have no idea where it is going or who will read it.Don't larf, I am old and I am trying to live

Fri, 05/22/2009 - 13:41

Comments posted

Mon, 05/25/2009 - 03:43

Hi DavidUno,A belated thank you for your welcome. It may take longer cos the 'boss' won't allow me half an hour a day on here.Perhaps she should join herself .....  mmm!!We went biking yesterday to help keep fit - I did my back in and can hardly walk today - Think I'll stop all this keep fit stuff.Glad you said, I was sitting here in my wellies and overcoat - I have put on a pair of leather gloves now, hope that's ok?Gotta go, breakfast calls, the food in italy is magnificent, but they don't do a breakfast like the full English - probly why they're  healthier than us.....    

Sun, 05/24/2009 - 04:40

Hi Andrew,They say 'It's not rocket science you know'....... Oh!

Sun, 05/24/2009 - 04:39

Hi Jinty,No I'm nothing like moxie - my hair is a lot shorter for a start and I look much younger than she does..... shhh! Don't tell her I said that, even if it's true.Thank you for the welcome, still not sure what the L i'm doing tho'.Papamoxie