ejaiello's activity

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Sat, 05/15/2021 - 10:19

Copy it and paste in a browser, I tried the copy/paste and it works.

Tue, 04/20/2021 - 20:26

Thank you, I can check but I have his naturalization document and I assume the date on it is the legal date.

Tue, 04/20/2021 - 18:32

I looked into this as well and it seem fairly specific.  Back in the day I do not think dual citizenship was allowed so when my Grandfather took his American citizenship oath, he had to denounce his Italian citizenship.  If your parents (of Italian decent) were born prior to your Grandfather becoming a citizen of another country, you qualify.  In my case my Grandmother was pregnant with my father at the time so I do not qualify but it is my understanding that in such cases the residency requirement is reduced from 10 years to 3.


Tue, 04/20/2021 - 18:16

I have a Fineco Account and manage it on-line, also there is a message area where you can contact customer service with issues/questions related to your account.