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Thu, 07/27/2017 - 03:19

I only know that area a little as we have family in Salerno who we visiteda couple of times and stayed in another family house for a week in Atrani, a very small town the other side of Amalfi. It's a beautiful coastline, very popular with tourists from all over the world. I imagine Praiano would be similar. The last time we went was about 30 years ago - so I don't know if it's changed considerably from then! I can imagine the traffic has got worse there as it has here in Liguria... particularly arounf the 15th August when most Italians take their summer holiday a week or more around that depends on what experience you want... the Amalfi coast is more geared up for foreign tourism so you can probably find more people who speak English, restaurant menus with translations etc. I rember them serving fish and chips in some places! Liguria where we live, caters mainly for Italian tourists in the summer so you probably need to speak more Italian to integrate, which could be a plus if you plan to stay longer term! Having said that the locals are very friendly when you get to know them and some do speak a bit of English.. in the summer there are hundreds of free events organised from opera excerpts to theatre to outdoor cinemas, cover bands playing in the little squares, so we are out practically every evening from June to September without paying a penny! Both areas will be popular in the summer months (particularly July and August when prices go up considerably) and as the coast is a very narrow strip with steep hills going down to the sea. The small towns and villages were  previously fishing/agricultual villages so not designed for mass tourism of today! You will get better value if you live inland but this could mean needing a car or scooter (the latter thoroughly recommended for ease of parking!!) We love May/June and September/ October when there are fewer 'tourists' around.The climate in Liguria is great (we've been coming for 17 years) as usually from June through to September we see very little rain and there is a micro climate where we are with th mountains inland getting most of the rain, leaving the coast try so we escape from the extremes we often hear are happening in other areas of Italy!My husband's from the south east of Italy in Bari, Puglia where we lived for several years but we love this particular area of the north and the civic pride people have here in the small towns and villages. We have also lived in Reggio Calabria, Imola and Turin plus various European cities Paris, Brussels, Stockholm and Istanbul.Good luck with your research and you're welcome to ask any questions about Italy in general too....

Wed, 07/26/2017 - 16:38

We spend our summers in Liguria and winters in London and have lives in several other countries. We love Liguria as it ticks most of our boxes!
We love travelling and are also members of home exchange and have swapped both properties to travel farther afield. Don't know if you have property in Australia that you could do that with if you ar elooking for a longish term in Italy?
You're welcome to email me at if you would like to chat more about Liguria... we're on the western side of Genova near Alassio...

Wed, 07/26/2017 - 11:37

We spend our summers in Liguria and winters in London and have lives in several other countries. We love Liguria as it ticks most of our boxes!
We love travelling and are also members of home exchange and have swapped both properties to travel farther afield. Don't know if you have property in Australia that you could do that with if you ar elooking for a longish term in Italy?
You're welcome to email me at if you would like to chat more about Liguria... we're on the western side of Genova nea Alassio...

Wed, 07/26/2017 - 09:54

We used this company for a friend moving her stuff from Edinburgh to London then holding it in storage for the summer before she needed it. Different people came forward with offers and prices and the one she chose was very efficient. See Though checking their site norhing comes up for Italy... might be more complicated internatioally than it was in the UK...