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Fri, 03/02/2018 - 16:58

It’s a nice drive and I enjoy it, just the cost of travel especially with such cheap flights and car hire available, of course it’s nice to bring things back from the uk although I’m not sure how things will change after Brexit

Fri, 03/02/2018 - 15:54

Hi I am near Lucca Tuscany. Toatl cost including revisione (mot) numberplates and documents etc approx €700-800 depending on your engine size/horse power. Revisione (mot) cost just under €70 but is valid for two years. I understand some auto scuola ( driving schools) for a fee can arrange for everything to be done for you but have heard the process can take some months and I did not explore this route.Insurance - try and contact an Italian insurance broker, you maybe able to transfer your no claims bonus from the uk it just depends on insurance company and you will need to translate it in to Italian. Most Italian insurance only covers third party cover. My 32 year old daughter purchased an Italian secondhand car (double the uk cost) and she did not have any no claims it was a Nissan Micra 1.2 and the insurance cost €1200 third party only took us a matter of days at our local Comune to obtain out Carta D’Identita after we provided the relevant documents and photos but as you say things may vary from place to place.i too have heard that you can only have a foreign vehicle in italy for 6 months and over your car can be impounded unlike the 12 months in the uk. 

Fri, 03/02/2018 - 14:22

11I am in the process of obtaining dual nationality British and Italian. I was born in italy and stayed till the age of 2 1/2 years old then my parents moved to the UK. My mother was Italian but my father was English, they got married in 1946 and at that time the wife was automatically required to take her husbands nationality and so I was considered to be born of British parents and therefore British. This is against the Italian constitution and in order for me to obtain dual nationality I am obliged to take the case to Rome where others have successfully managed to obtain dual nationality. If my father had been Italian or the same situation had occurred some years later things would have been different. The Italian consulate in your country should be able to advise you of the requirements to obtain nationality)The advantages of dual nationality with italy is that you will be entitled to their healthcare and of course travel throughout Europe will be straightforward, working in italy/EU will not require a work permit. Buying property does not require you to be of Italian can obtain Italian nationality/dual if you have resided in italy for a minimum of 5 years not 1 year. (Carta D’Identita and codice fiscale - tax code which may make you liable to Italian taxation on any income you receive)

Fri, 03/02/2018 - 13:44

To transfer your British car to Italian number plates is relatively easy. When I looked in to it and consulted with a neighbour who had done this previously it looked a bit of a long process and rather complicated. I spoke to my daughters Italian boyfriend and he took me to our local motorizzazione which is like a local ministry of transport office where they conduct different category driving tests etc. To be honest I thought this was going to be a wasted trip as I was told to go through ACI and other agents. Well I was pleasantly surprised. I took my vehicle registration document original V5C and photo copy which I hand written the Italian (google) translation beside the relevant part relating to the vehicle and my valid M.O.T certificate also translated in to Italian, I took my Carta D’Identita and those were the only documents they required. I had with me a copy of the sales receipt translated and my codice Fiscale and driving licence but they did not want these. I was told by my neighbour I needed a EU certificate of conformity and all documents and translations had to be certified by a notary, this I am pleased to say has not been the case. My M.O.T was due to expire in the middle of the month but they said this was not a problem as in italy the equivalent is always valid until the end of the month of expiry. I had to wait a week and telephone them to make sure my documents were ready to collect with some boletini to be paid and the cost totalling approx €660 (dependant on the horse power of the engine) in order to obtain my number plates and registration document etc. Then I could obtain Italian insurance and take my car and pay for the equivalent Italian m.o.t which is valid for two years and basically my car is now registered as Italian, I had to post the relevant part of the uk registration document which relates to the date of export.  It may sound a little complicated but really in summary it was just a question of the relevant documents translated and taken to the local motorizzazione, a week or so later returning to collect your Italian number plates and documents and posting the tare off part of the V5C4. Not the months of beurocratic Italian paper work and being sent from one department to another with the usual problems I envisaged. Going to get an Italian m.o.t and insurance are things that one would have to do in the UK  and of course you will need to change your driving licence in to Italian but that also is relatively simple.

Fri, 03/02/2018 - 13:40

I thought of the drive home but by the time you have finished with fuel, motorway tolls, overnight stop, food etc the return trip will cost you the best part of £1500 cheaper to register it in italy particularly you will save much in the long term. Also in italy the maximum time you can have a foreign vehicle in the country is 6 months unlike the 12 months in the UK and if you are stopped by the police they can impound your vehicle.