Liz Taylor's activity

Questions Asked

Has anyone grown coriander successfully, and if so have you any tips? I miss it in cooking and have never seen it for sale in supermarkets or vegetable markets so I guess it isn't used by Italians.

Sat, 08/22/2009 - 05:22

Comments posted

Fri, 08/28/2009 - 13:18

Hi Milky,really interested in what you may uncover with regard to ley lines, I am a firm believer in their potential to open up the heart and spirit to creativity and there is no reason why they aren't here in Italy too. Am busy with house purchase at present, not got time to research, so if you find out more would really love to know what and where.Good hunting!

Sat, 08/22/2009 - 13:12

That's very encouraging news as my new house is near Coreglia Antelminelli, not so far from you, so I'm pleased to know you have had success. Will follow your advice.

Sat, 08/22/2009 - 13:09

and don't apologise for going off thread, it was terifically helpfull and inspiring, I'm very grateful.

Sat, 08/22/2009 - 13:05

Appreciate your response and pleased to hear it grows so well and easily.

Wed, 07/22/2009 - 07:08

Thankyou very much, Charlotte, so many legal explanations are couched in language that makes it hard to understand but you write clearly and succinctly and it is much appreciated.

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 09:04

I am having trouble understanding the need for smilies, anywhere, not just on this site. What do they add that words cannot? Can we not say what we want, within the rules, without resorting to peculiar little images? I am a bit of a technophobe so maybe I am not typical, but I really wish they weren't there at all. Pictures are great, words are wonderful, use them.Liz

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 08:36

A UK Sky box will work over here, but you need a big dish, I was quoted 2 metres by the engineers who came to look at my house, and as I am in a bit of a dip in the hillside they couldn't guarantee that it would work. But I have several friends who have UK Sky which works very successfully.However, Sky do not actually permit use outside the UK, and it is necessary to have an English address for your account and to allow them to assume that is your residence. If they do become aware that you live in Europe and are receiving the signal there they will stop the account. So it is a bit of a risk and quite an investment in a dish if you don't already have a big one.But I know what you mean, I opted for Sky Italia too and don't actually watch it much at all, I thought we reached the bottom when Dallas, the first series, was on!Liz

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 08:24

As I am about to buy a house here and plan to stay for the rest of my life I am very interested in this topic for a new group. It sounds as though currently settling an estate could drag on indefinitely between countries to the utter frustration of the intended inheritors. Look forward to hearing more.Liz

Fri, 07/10/2009 - 10:41

Hi Maria,thanks so much for that. I thought I had sent you private messages in response, but perhaps I haven't... I really don't grasp much of how things work I'm afraid. I sent you a message, then forgot what I had said and sent another that, if you did get it, probably made you think this woman is loopy! I'm too side tracked by buying the house at the moment and can't hold a thought for five minutes.Anyway, I would love to meet you sometime in Montecatini Alto, and my email is Glad you leapt at the chance and bought the shepherds house, and lovely to know it is there waiting for you. Your lucky son!Look forward to seeing you in due course,Liz

Thu, 07/02/2009 - 11:14

Hi Maria,great to read your post, I am new at this too! At present I live quite near to you in Pescia, and am in the process of buying a farm near Coreglia Antelminelli. There is quite alot of land, very well cared for, and I am very keen on organic growing but as yet know little about it. I would be delighted if I may visit you if that is possible with your busy life, and learn a little about what you have done and how you went about it. I am retired and moved here from the UK a year ago, and now I am acclimatised I am ready to start my Italian life to the full. I started a blog,, a few months ago if you want to see a little more about me.Looking forward to hearing from you, Liz Taylor