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Fri, 07/17/2009 - 19:51

HelloIt sounds like you'll be doing an awful lot of driving, although you don't say how long you'll be in Italy on this trip. The part about a two night excursion from Florence to Elba looks ambitious. It will take you the better part of a day to get from Florence to Elba, so I'd stay in Elba a few days to make your drive worthwhile. You'll need a car to explore Elba. I tried that a few years ago with public transport and our movements got quite restricted since buses were too few.Otherwise, you may want to decide what your priorities are for this trip and take one or two places off your list. For example, Florence, Verona, Lucca and Volterra would make a great holiday with good variety of scenery, art and lots of good, robust Tuscan wines.Buon viaggio and keep up with your Italian. Bravo!Margaret