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Mon, 01/25/2010 - 12:24

 Hi Maria, I have only just saw this post and I hope it isn't too late. Do NOT work for the British Institute in Rimini or anything else Valentina Douglas runs. I am still owed 500Euros from 2007 and I have many friends that are owed a lot more than this. I worked there for 5months and each month had to fight to get my wage saying I wouldn't do anymore hours teaching until I got paid. Once I handed my notice in (to move back to the UK) she never paid me again thus still owing me money. I was also the only one in that school who was qualified to teach, I don't think she really cares because she knows she won't be paying you. There are plenty of good schools out in the Rimini but please stay away from anything Valentina runs for your own sake. Good Luck