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Fri, 05/03/2013 - 18:25

It was bound to happen sooner or later. In actuality the Italians along with the Spanish and the Greeks have been very lucky that it has taken so many years for the you know what to hit the fan. It's their sense of entitlement that has contributed to their present malaise and their refusal to change their ways will not help for the future. Compound this with a political government that is the laughing stock of the world. Furthermore add to this and underground economy that contributes little or no taxes to the coffers, corrupt officials, (try to get a job in Italy without paying someone off) and you have a Dolce Vita that is hardly dolce but definitely sour. Now the average Italian is being told to tighten his/her belt, while the Italian government is inflated with fat, bureaucratic individuals that are over compensated, are lazy, and don't really give a damn, but wait the poor Italian than turns around and votes for... Berlusconi. There's no hope. Italy is a beautiful country and it's too bad it's full of Italians. The true Italian immigrated to other countries years ago (like myself and my father before me) and what is left has reduced the country to this sorry state of affairs. VERGOGNATEVI!

Thu, 09/09/2010 - 16:40

"bo" is an expression used to indicate that one know nothing about a subject matter. Example: "conosci questo?" response "bo, che ne so"